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Brazil 1991    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR1991A_MACROR Macro-region H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_PERSORD Person order P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_URBAN Urban-rural H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_METRO Metropolitan region H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_MEN Number of males in dwelling H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_WOMEN Number of females in dwelling H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_TYPEDWEL Class of the dwelling H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_INCD Nominal average monthly dwelling income H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_INCDNO Nominal income brackets monthly dwelling average H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_INCDRE Real average monthly dwelling income brackets H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_LOC Type of dwelling H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_WALLS Walls H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_ROOF Roof H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_WATER Water supply H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_SEWAGE Sewage installations H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_USESEWAG Use of the sewage installations H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_OWNERSHP Condition of occupation of the dwelling H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_RENT Monthly rent H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_RENTBRKT Monthly rent brackets H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_COOKFUEL Cooking fuel used H Brazil 1991
Brazil 1991   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR1991A_NROOMS Total number of rooms H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_DENSROOM Density of inhabitants per room H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_DENSRMBR Categorized density of inhabitants per room H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_BEDROOM Rooms used as bedrooms H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_DENSBEDR Density of dwellers per bedroom H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_DENSBDBR Categorized density of dwellers per bedroom H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_BATH Bathrooms H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_WASTE Waste disposal H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_WATERFIL Water filter H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_PHONE Telephone H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_AUTO Private automobile H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_AUTOWORK Automobile for work H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_RADIO Radio H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_LIGHT Lighting H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_REFRIG Refrigerator H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_TVBW Black-and-white television H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_TVCOLOR Color television H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_FREEZER Freezer H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_WASHER Clothes washing machine H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_VACCLEAN Vacuum cleaner H Brazil 1991
Brazil 1991   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR1991A_WTHH Weight or factor for expanding sample H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_STRATA Strata H Brazil 1991
BR1991A_SEX Sex P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_RSPHEAD Relationship to head of dwelling P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_RSPHEADF Relationship to head of family P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_FAMTYPE Type of family P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_FAMTYPE1 Type of family 2 P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_NMENFAM Total males in family P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_NWOMFAM Total females in family P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_COUPLINC Couples income P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_CPINCBCK Couples income brackets P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_INCF Nominal average monthly family income P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_INCFNO Brackets of nominal average monthly family income P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_INCFRE Brackets of real average monthly family income P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_PERCAPIN Brackets of nominal average per capita monthly family income P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_MOMLOC Mother's location in household P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_AGETYPE Age types P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_AGEYEARS Age (in years) P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_AGEMONTH Age (in months) P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_RACE Race or color P Brazil 1991