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Geography: F-N Variables -- HOUSEHOLD    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
CI1998A_URBAN Urban H Côte d'Ivoire 1998
CI1998A_STRATA Strata H Côte d'Ivoire 1998
FJ1966A_DIV Division H Fiji 1966
FJ1966A_PROV Province H Fiji 1966
FJ1976A_DIV Division H Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_PROV Province H Fiji 1976
FJ1986A_DIV Division where the household is located H Fiji 1986
FJ1986A_PROV Province where the household is located H Fiji 1986
FJ1986A_TOWN City or town where the household is located H Fiji 1986
FJ1996A_DIV Division H Fiji 1996
FJ1996A_PROV Province H Fiji 1996
FJ2007A_DIV Division H Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_PROV Province H Fiji 2007
FJ2014A_URBAN Urban H Fiji 2014
FR1962A_URBAN Urban-rural H France 1962
FR1968A_URBAN Urban-rural H France 1968
FR1975A_RURAREA Belonging to a completely rural county H France 1975
FR1975A_URBAN Urban-rural H France 1975
FR1982A_URBAREA Urban-rural area H France 1982
FR1982A_URBIND Urban or industrial populated area H France 1982
Variable Label
Type Sample
FR1982A_URBAN Urban-rural and size of place H France 1982
FR1990A_URBAREA Belonging to an urban area H France 1990
FR1990A_URBAR82 Belonging to an urban area, 1982 definition H France 1990
FR1990A_URBIND Belonging to an urban or industrial zone H France 1990
FR1990A_URBIND82 Belonging to an urban or industrial zone, 1982 definition H France 1990
FR1990A_URBAN Urban-rural, 1982 definition H France 1990
FR1999A_URBSIZE Size of urban unit in 1999 H France 1999
FR2011A_METRODOM Mainland France or DOM (overseas department) H France 2011
FR2011A_URBAN Urban-rural status H France 2011
DE1970A_SIZEMUNI Size of municipality of residence H Germany 1970
DE1971A_PLACESIZ Size of municipality H Germany 1971
DE1987A_PLACSIZ Population size of community of residence H Germany 1987
GH1984A_SEREGION Socioeconomic region H Ghana 1984
GH1984A_STRATA Strata H Ghana 1984
GH2000A_URBAN Urban-rural H Ghana 2000
GH2000A_STRATA Strata H Ghana 2000
GH2010A_DISTYPE District type H Ghana 2010
GH2010A_URBAN Urban H Ghana 2010
GH2010A_STRATA Strata H Ghana 2010
GR1971A_STRATA Strata H Greece 1971
Variable Label
Type Sample
GR1981A_LOCATE Location of dwelling in the locality (town or village) H Greece 1981
GR1981A_STRATA Strata H Greece 1981
GR1991A_LOCATE Location of the dwelling in the locality (town or village) H Greece 1991
GR1991A_STRATA Strata H Greece 1991
GR2001A_LOCATE Location of the dwelling in the locality (town or village) H Greece 2001
GR2001A_STRATA Strata H Greece 2001
GR2011A_DWLOC Location of the dwelling in the locality (town or village) H Greece 2011
GT1973A_URBAN Urban or rural area H Guatemala 1973
GT1981A_POPTYPE Populated center category H Guatemala 1981
GT1981A_URBAN Urban or rural area H Guatemala 1981
GT1994A_URBAN Urban or rural H Guatemala 1994
GT2002A_POPAR Populated place category H Guatemala 2002
GT2002A_URBAN Urban or rural area H Guatemala 2002
GT2002A_ENUMLOC Place of enumeration H Guatemala 2002
GN1983A_PROV Province H Guinea 1983
GN1983A_URBAN Urban-rural H Guinea 1983
GN1983A_STRATA Strata H Guinea 1983
GN1996A_REGIONN Natural region H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_REGION Administrative region H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_URBAN Urban-rural H Guinea 1996