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Fiji 1976   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
FJ1976A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_PERN Number of persons in household H Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_FBIG Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household H Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_PROV Province H Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_DIV Division H Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_NFAMS Family units P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_RELATE Relationship to household head P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_SEX Sex P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_BIRTHMO Month of birth P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_BIRTHYR Year of birth P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_AGE Age P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_ETHNIC Ethnicity P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_BPL Province or country of birth P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_BPLURB Area of birth P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_BPLISLE Island of birth P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_RES6YR Province or country of residence in October 1970 P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_URBAN6YR Area of residence in October 1970 P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_ISLE6YR Island of residence in October 1970 P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_FATHLIVE Biological father alive P Fiji 1976
Fiji 1976   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
FJ1976A_MOTHLIVE Biological mother alive P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_MOMLOC Mother's person number P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_EDATTAN Educational level attained P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_SCHOOL School attendance P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_RELIG Religion P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_EMPSTAT Employment status in past week P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_OCC Occupation P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_IND Industry P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_EVERMARR Ever married P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_MARST Current marital status P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_MARRMULT Married more than once P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_SP1STLIVE First spouse alive P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_CHBORNM Boys born alive P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_CHBORNF Girls born alive P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_CHSURVM Boys still alive P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_CHSURVF Girls still alive P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_AGE1STB Age of mother at first birth P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_CHBORN Children ever born P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_CHSURV Children surviving P Fiji 1976