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Mali 1998   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
ML1998A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Mali 1998
ML1998A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Mali 1998
ML1998A_PERN Number of persons in household H Mali 1998
ML1998A_DONATED Donated dwelling H Mali 1998
ML1998A_D_NUM Donation strata: strata number H Mali 1998
ML1998A_HAMLET Hamlet or gathering point H Mali 1998
ML1998A_URBAN1 Urban H Mali 1998
ML1998A_MRESPRES Residents present, male H Mali 1998
ML1998A_FRESPRES Residents present, female H Mali 1998
ML1998A_MABSENT Residents absent, male H Mali 1998
ML1998A_FABSENT Residents absent, female H Mali 1998
ML1998A_MVISITOR Visitors, male H Mali 1998
ML1998A_FVISITOR Visitors, female H Mali 1998
ML1998A_HHTYPE Type of household H Mali 1998
ML1998A_DWTY Type of dwelling unit H Mali 1998
ML1998A_BLDTY Type of building H Mali 1998
ML1998A_WALL Wall materials H Mali 1998
ML1998A_ROOF Roof materials H Mali 1998
ML1998A_FLOOR Floor materials H Mali 1998
ML1998A_LIGHT Type of lighting H Mali 1998
Mali 1998   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
ML1998A_WATSRC Main source of water H Mali 1998
ML1998A_FUEL Main fuel for cooking H Mali 1998
ML1998A_TOILET Type of toilet H Mali 1998
ML1998A_OWNER Ownership status H Mali 1998
ML1998A_ROOMS Number of rooms occupied H Mali 1998
ML1998A_FIREPL Improved fireplace H Mali 1998
ML1998A_MORTN Number of mortality records H Mali 1998
ML1998A_STRATA Strata H Mali 1998
ML1998A_RELATE Relationship to head of household P Mali 1998
ML1998A_SEX Sex P Mali 1998
ML1998A_RES Residence status P Mali 1998
ML1998A_BIRY Year of birth P Mali 1998
ML1998A_AGEUNIT Unit for reporting age P Mali 1998
ML1998A_AGERAW Age in days, months or years P Mali 1998
ML1998A_BPL Province or country of birth P Mali 1998
ML1998A_NATION Nationality P Mali 1998
ML1998A_DISAB Disability / handicap P Mali 1998
ML1998A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Mali 1998
ML1998A_PREVRES Province or country of previous residence P Mali 1998
ML1998A_POPLIV Father's survival P Mali 1998
Mali 1998   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
ML1998A_MOMLIV Mother's survival P Mali 1998
ML1998A_EDLEV Level of education P Mali 1998
ML1998A_GRADE Last grade completed P Mali 1998
ML1998A_EDATTAIN Last school grade completed P Mali 1998
ML1998A_DEGREE Highest diploma P Mali 1998
ML1998A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mali 1998
ML1998A_MTONGUE Mother's tongue P Mali 1998
ML1998A_LANG Language spoken P Mali 1998
ML1998A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Mali 1998
ML1998A_OCC Main occupation P Mali 1998
ML1998A_CLASSWK Work status in main activity P Mali 1998
ML1998A_IND Branch of economic activity P Mali 1998
ML1998A_AGACT Agricultural activity P Mali 1998
ML1998A_MARST Marital status P Mali 1998
ML1998A_LIT Literacy P Mali 1998
ML1998A_CHBORN Number of children ever born P Mali 1998
ML1998A_CHSURV Number of children surviving P Mali 1998
ML1998A_AGE Age in years P Mali 1998