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Egypt 1986    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
EG1986A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_PERN Number of persons in household H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_FBIG Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_URBAN Urban or rural area H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_RECORD Record number H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_ABROAD Total number of persons abroad H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_DWTYPE Type of living quarter H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_TENURE Tenure H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_WATSRC Water source H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_WATSUP Water supply system H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_LIGHT Main type of lighting H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_BUTAGAS Fuel and energy, butagas H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_NATGAS Fuel and energy, natural gas H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_KEROSIN Fuel and energy, kerosene H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_ELECTRIC Fuel and energy, electricity H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_RENT Monthly rent in Egyptian pounds H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_KITCHEN Kitchen H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_BATHROOM Bathroom (bath with toilet) H Egypt 1986
Egypt 1986   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
EG1986A_SHAREBATH Separate bath H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_TOILET Separate toilet H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_FRIDGE Refrigerator H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_WASHER Washing machine H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_TVBW Black-and-white television H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_TVCOLOR Color television H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_COOKER Cooker H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_HEATER Water heater H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_FREEZER Deep freezer H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_VIDEO Video H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_ALLAPPLIANCES All appliances H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_NOAPPLIANCES No appliances H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_CAR Private car H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_MOTORCYCLE Motorcycle H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_BIKE Bicycle H Egypt 1986
EG1986A_RELATE Relationship to head of household P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_SEX Sex P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_RELIG Religion P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_NATION Nationality P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_AGE Age P Egypt 1986
Egypt 1986   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
EG1986A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_WORKPLACE Place of work P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_SECTOR Employment sector P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_IND1 Industry (1-digit) P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_IND2 Industry (2-digit) P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_IND3 Industry (3-digit) P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_OCC2 Occupation (2-digit) P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_OCC3 Occupation (3-digit) P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_MARST Marital status P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_WIVES Number of wives P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_URESURB Usual place of residence (urban or rural) P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_BPLGOV Governorate of birth P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_BPLDIV Division of birth P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_BPLURB Place of birth (urban or rural) P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_WPLGOV Governorate of work or study P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_WPLDIV Division of work or study P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_PREVRESGOV Governorate of previous of residence P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_PREVRESDIV Division of previous of residence P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_PREVRESURB Place of previous residence (urban or rural) P Egypt 1986
EG1986A_WHYMOVE Reason for moving from previous place of residence P Egypt 1986