France 1990 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
FR1990A_URBAREA | Belonging to an urban area | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_URBAR82 | Belonging to an urban area, 1982 definition | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_URBIND | Belonging to an urban or industrial zone | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_URBIND82 | Belonging to an urban or industrial zone, 1982 definition | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_DWBLDG | Number of dwellings in a building | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_HLM | Building belongs to HLM organization | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_FUELBLDG | Heating fuel of the building | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_HHNUMDW | Position of the dwelling in the building | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_DWCATEG | Category of the dwelling | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_DWNUMTYP | Number of dwellings in building and type | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_ROOMSDW | Number of rooms in the dwelling | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_OWNERSHP | Ownership | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_HLMDW | Dwelling belongs to HLM organization | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_SHOWER | Bathing facilities | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_TOILET | Toilets in the dwelling | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_HEATING | Means of heating the dwelling | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_PLUMBHT | Plumbing and heating | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_HEATFUEL | Heating fuel of the building | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_DWHEAT | Number of dwellings, means of heating and fuel used | H | France 1990 | |
France 1990 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
FR1990A_AUTOS | Number of cars in the household | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_FARM | Farm production | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_PERSHH | Number of people in the household | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_CHILDHH | Number of children in the household | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_FAMSHH | Number of families in the household | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_SZTYPHH | Type of household (number of people) | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_FAMSTR | Family structure of the household | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_FAMSHH2 | Number of families in the household, 1982 definition | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_SZTYHH82 | Type of household (number of people), 1982 definition | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_FAMSTR82 | Family structure of the household, 1982 definition | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_CHILD18 | Number of children 18 years or younger in household | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_CHILD24 | Number of persons 24 years or younger in household | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_ISOINDIV | Number of isolated members in the household | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_HHMOVE | Indicator of recent movement | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_SECFAM | Presence of secondary family | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_SECFAM82 | Presence of secondary family, 1982 definition | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_PERSFAM | Number of people in the family | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_CHILD18F | Number of children 18 years or less in the family | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_CHILDF | Number of children in the family | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_CATPOPHH | Category of the population, household | H | France 1990 | |
France 1990 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
FR1990A_URBAN | Urban-rural, 1982 definition | H | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_RELFAMH | Relationship of family head of household reference person | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_CATPOP | Category of the population | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_CATPOP2 | Category of the population, summary | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_SEX | Sex | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_MARST | Marital status | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_AGECAL | Age in calendar year | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_AGE | Age | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_RELATE1 | Relationship to person on the first line | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_RELFAM2 | Family relationship | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_RELFAM | Relationship to reference person of family | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_FAMMEMB | Family membership | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_RELATE2 | Relationship to household reference person | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_LIVARR | Living arrangement | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_COHAB | Kind of cohabitation | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_RELF82 | Family relationship (1982 definition) | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_RELFAM82 | Relationship to family reference person (definition 82) | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_APAF82 | Family membership, 1982 definition | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_RELATE | Relationship to head of household (82 definition) | P | France 1990 | |
FR1990A_LIVARR82 | Living arrangement, 1982 definition | P | France 1990 |