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Cameroon 1976   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
CM1976A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_DWTYPE Type of dwelling H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_UNITS Number of units H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_STRUCT Type of structure H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_NHUTS Number of huts H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_WALLS Wall material H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_ROOF Roof material H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_FLOOR Floor material H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_LIGHT Type of lighting H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_WATSRC Source of water H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_TOILET Type of toilet facility H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_OCCUP Type of occupancy H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_HHBIRMAL Total births (males) H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_HHBIRFEM Total births (females) H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_DTH1SEX Sex (first death) H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_DTH1AGE Age (first death) H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_DTH2SEX Sex (second death) H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_DTH2AGE Age (second death) H Cameroon 1976
Cameroon 1976   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
CM1976A_DTH3SEX Sex (third death) H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_STRATA Strata H Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_RESID Resident type P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_RELAT Relationship to household head P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_SEX Sex P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_STATUS Resident status P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_LENGTH Length of absence or visit P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_BIRTHMO Month of birth P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_BIRTHYR Year of birth P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_AGE Age P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_BPL Country or arrondisement of birth P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_USURES Country or arrondisement of usual residence P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_RESDUR Length of residence P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_PREVRES Country or arrondisement of previous residence P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_NATION Nationality P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_SCHTYPE Type of instruction P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_EDCLASS Class P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_SCHOOL School attendance P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_EMPSTAT Activity situation P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_OCC1 Occupation (1 digit) P Cameroon 1976
Cameroon 1976   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
CM1976A_OCC2 Occupation (2 digits) P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_CLASSWK Employment status P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_MARST Marital status P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_EDATT Educational attainment P Cameroon 1976
CM1976A_PREVDEPT Country or department of previous residence P Cameroon 1976