Panama 1980 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PA1980A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_URBAN | Urban or rural | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_DWCOND | Condition of the dwelling | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_ROOMS | Number of rooms | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_ROOMSB | Number of bedrooms | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_KITCHEN | Area exclusively for cooking | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_TENURE | Ownership | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_RENT | Monthly rent or mortgage | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_WALLS | Material in exterior walls | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_ROOF | Material in roof of the building or house | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_FLOOR | Floor material | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_WATSUP | Source of drinking water | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_SEWER | Availability of sewer facilities | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_BATH | Availability of bathroom | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_LIGHT | Source of lighting | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_FUELCK | Fuel for cooking | H | Panama 1980 | |
Panama 1980 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PA1980A_TV | Television | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_RADIO | Radio | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_PHONE | Telephone | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_REFRIG | Refrigerator | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_WASHER | Washing machine | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_SEWMACH | Sewing machine | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_YRCON | Year of construction | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_SALARYH | Weekly salary | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_STRATA | Strata | H | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_HHTYPE | Type of household | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_RELATE | Relationship to head of household | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_FAMNUC | Family nucleus | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_SEX | Sex | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_AGE | Age | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_MARST | Marital status | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_BPL3 | District or country of birth | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_MOTHLIV | Mother is alive | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_EDLEV | Highest grade attained | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_LIT | Able to read and write | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_EDLEVC | Grade currently attending | P | Panama 1980 | |
Panama 1980 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PA1980A_WORK | Had work last week | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_WORKL | Looked for work last week | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_WHYNOT | Reason for not looking for work last week | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_CLASSWK | Class of worker | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_EMPTYPE | Type of employment | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_WORKHRS | Hours worked last week | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_SALTYPE | Type of salary | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_INCSAL | Wage or salary | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_INCTOT | Total income last month | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_CHBORN | Children born alive | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_CHLIVE | Children currently alive | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_LASTLIV | Survival of last child | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_BLIND | Blind | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_DEAFM | Deaf-mute | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_RETARD | Mental retardation | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_DISAB | Paralysis or physical disability | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_DISABNO | Without disability | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_LANG | Language spoken | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_BABYDD | Children died before learning to walk | P | Panama 1980 | |
PA1980A_COMMTY | Type of community | P | Panama 1980 |