Botswana 1981 [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
BW1981A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_HHNO | Household serial number | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_CATTLE | Own or look after cattle | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_GOATS | Own or look after goats or sheep | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_DONKEY | Own or look after donkey, mules, or horses | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_CROPS | Planted any crops during the last 5 years | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_OWNERSHP | Acquisition of house or plot | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_RESHOUSYR | Years living in this house or lolwapa | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_DWTYPE | Type of housing unit | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_ROOF | Material of roof construction | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_WALLS | Material of walls construction | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_FLOOR | Material of floor construction | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_WATSRC | Principal source of water supply | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_FUELCK | Principal fuel for cooking | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_LIGHT | Principal fuel for lighting | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_SEWAGE | Sanitation facilities | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_DEATHS | Number of deaths (last year) | H | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_STRATA | Strata | H | Botswana 1981 | |
Botswana 1981 (continued) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
BW1981A_STATUS | Residency status | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_RELATE | Relationship to household head | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_SEX | Sex | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_AGE | Age | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_MARST | Marital status | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_CITIZEN | Country of citizenship | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_RESDIST | District of usual residence | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_DIST1YR | District of residence 1 year ago | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_HHTYPEP | Institution type | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_SCHOOL | School attendance | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_EDATTAIN | Highest school level and grade passed | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_WORKMON | Work regularly for cash during the past month | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_ACTIVITY | Type of activity if not working regularly for cash during the past month | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_OCC | Occupation | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_IND | Industry | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_CHBORN | Number of children ever born alive | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_CHHOME | Number of children living with mother in this household | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_CHAWAY | Number of children living elsewhere | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_CHDEAD | Number of children dead | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_BTHLYR | Number of children born alive last year | P | Botswana 1981 | |
Botswana 1981 (continued) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
BW1981A_ABSCNTRY | Country of stay for absent household member | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_ABSYR | Years since the absent household member's last visit | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_ABSMON | Months since the absent household member's last visit | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_ABSREAS | Reasons for being away of the absent household member | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_RESCNTRY | Country of usual residence | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_CNTRY1YR | Country of residence 1 year ago | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_RESPLACE | Place of usual residence | P | Botswana 1981 | |
BW1981A_PLACE1YR | Place of residence 1 year ago | P | Botswana 1981 |