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Trinidad and Tobago 1970   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
TT1970A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_PERN Number of persons in household H Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_DWTYPE Type of dwelling H Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_OWNERSHP Type of tenure H Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_WATSUP Water supply H Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_BLTYR Year dwelling was built H Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_WALLS Material of outer walls H Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_FUELCK Fuel used for cooking H Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_STRATA Strata H Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_RELATE Relationship to head of household P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_SEX Sex P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_AGE Age (in complete years) P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_TRAINST Training status P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_MARST Marital status P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_USUALRES Place of usual residence P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_RESCNTRY Country of usual foreign residence P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_ETHNIC Ethnicity P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_RELIG Religion P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Trinidad and Tobago 1970   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
TT1970A_RESDUR Years living in this county in Trinidad and Tobago P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_PREVCNTYNO Number of counties ever lived in P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_YRIMMIG Year of immigration P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_SCHLEV Level of school attendance P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_SCHFULL Type of school attendance P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_EDLEVEL Highest level of educational attainment P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_EDYEARPR Years of primary school P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_EDEXAM Highest exam passed P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_TRAINTYPE Method of training P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_TRAINTIME Period of training (in years) P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_EMPSTATYR Main activity (past 12 months) P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_CLASWK Class of worker (past 12 months) P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_WKMON Months worked (past 12 months) P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_EMPSTAT Economic situtation during the past week P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_WKHOURS Hours worked (past week) P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_CHBORN Children ever born P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_AGE1STB Age of mother at birth of first liveborn child P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_AGELSTB Age of mother at birth of last liveborn child P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_BTHLYR Number of live births in the past 12 months P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_MARST45 Marital status (at present or at age 45) P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Trinidad and Tobago 1970   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
TT1970A_DURMARR Duration of marital union (in completed years) P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_PAYPER Pay period of income P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_INCTOT Total income P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_OCC Occupation (past 12 months) P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_PLCPREV County or city of previous residence P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_BPL County, city, or country of birth P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_RESPLC County or city of usual residence P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1970A_TRAINED Trained or receiving training in occupation P Trinidad and Tobago 1970