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Guinea 1996   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
GN1996A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_PERN Number of persons in household H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_FBIG Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_REGIONN Natural region H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_REGION Administrative region H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_HHTYPE Household type H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_PNMP Number of male present resident H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_PNMA Number of male absent residents H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_PNMV Number of male visitors H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_PNFP Number of female present residents H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_PNFA Number of female absent residents H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_PNFV Number of female visitors H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_TENURE Occupancy status H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_WATSUP Water supply H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_LIGHT Lighting type H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_FUELCK Cooking energy H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_TOILET Toilet type H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_GARBAGE Garbage disposal H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_WASTEWAT Waste water disposal H Guinea 1996
Guinea 1996   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
GN1996A_SEWAGE Sewage disposal H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_SEXD Sex of the deceased H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_AGED Age of the deceased H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_URBAN Urban-rural H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_STRATA Strata H Guinea 1996
GN1996A_PERNUMO Person number P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_RELATE Relationship to household head P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_SEX Sex P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_RESID Resident status P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_BIRMON Month of birth P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_BIRYR Year of birth P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_AGERAW Age (raw) P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_BPL Prefecture or country of birth P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_NATION Nationality P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_RELIG Religion P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_DISAB Disability P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_RESPREV Previous prefecture or country of residence P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_LIT Literacy and language P Guinea 1996
Guinea 1996   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
GN1996A_EDLEV2 Education, level completed P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_GRADE Education, grade completed within level P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_EDATTAN Educational attainment P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_EMPSTAT Economic activity status P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_OCC Occupation P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_CLASSWK Status in employment P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_MARST Marital status P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_CHBORNM Number of male children ever born P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_CHBORNF Number of female children ever born P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_CHSURVM Number of surviving male children ever born P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_CHSURVF Number of surviving female children ever born P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_CHB12M Number of male children born in last 12 months P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_CHB12F Number of female children born in last 12 months P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_AGE Age P Guinea 1996