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Mexico 1995    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX1995A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_HHNUM Household number (within dwelling) H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_HHN Number of households in dwelling H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_PERND Number of persons in dwelling H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_PERN Number of persons in household H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_LOCSIZE Size of locality H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_HHNUMO Household number (within dwelling) H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_WTDW Expansion factor (dwelling-wide) H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_WTBEN Expansion factor (persons with health insurance coverage or with any type of disability) H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_WALL Walls H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_ROOF Roofs H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_FLOOR Floors H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_KITCH Kitchen H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_KITCHEX Exclusive kitchen H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_ROOMSS Rooms for sleeping H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_WATPIPE Piped water H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_TOILET Sanitary service H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_SEWAGEEX Exclusive sanitary service H Mexico 1995
Mexico 1995   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX1995A_WATSUP Water connection H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_SEWAGE Drainage H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_ELECT Electricity H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_FUEL Fuel H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_OWNER Ownership H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_COMMEXP Common expenses H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_HHNO Number of households with separate eating expenses in the dwelling H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_HHTYPE Type of household H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_SSMILK Social subsidies: milk H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_SSTORT Social subsidies: tortilla H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_SSSCHOL Social subsidies: scholarship for students H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_SSLUNCH Social subsidies: school lunch H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_SSDISAB Social subsidies: disability grant H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_SSNONE Social subsidies: none H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_PERNO Number of people who form the household H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_MIGINT Has a member who migrated to another country H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_MIGINTN Number of people who have migrated to another country H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_INFNUM Respondent number H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_INCJOBH Monthly household work Income H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_INCOTOTH Other type of monthly household income H Mexico 1995
Mexico 1995   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX1995A_INCTOTH Monthly total household income H Mexico 1995
MX1995A_WTPER Expansion factor P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_REGNUM Registration number P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RELATE Relationship P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_SEX Sex P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_AGE Age P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_BPL Place of birth P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESID Condition of residency P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_MIGST National or international migration (state or country) P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESPR Previous residence P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESPRM Duration in previous residence in months P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_PRESPRY Duration in previous residence in years P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESDURM Duration in current residence in months P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESDURY Time in current residence in years P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESST State or country of residence in 1990 P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESMUN Municipality of residence in 1990 P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_LIT Literacy P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_SCHOOL1 Currently attends school P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_SCHOOL2 Went to school in the past P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_EDGRADE Year or grade of education level completed P Mexico 1995