France 1982 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
FR1982A_URBAREA | Urban-rural area | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_URBIND | Urban or industrial populated area | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_DWBLDG | Number of dwellings in the building | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_BLDGTYPE | Building type | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_DWNUMTYP | Number of dwellings - type of building | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_PHPA | Affiliation with a public housing project agency | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_BLTYEAR | Building completion date | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_ELEVATOR | Elevator in the building | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_WATSRC | Source of water for domestic use | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_GAS | Gas supply to the building | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_TOILSEW | Toilet connection | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_WASTEWAT | Housing waste-water evacuation | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_CENTHEAT | Building central heat | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_HTFUELBLDG | Type of building heating fuel | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_FARM | Farm | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_FARMACRE | Agricultural Acreage Used (overview code [code condense]) | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_FARMWKR | Presence of a full-time worker on the farm | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_DWNBLDG | Dwelling number in the building | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_KITCHEN | Existence and type of kitchen | H | France 1982 | |
France 1982 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
FR1982A_OWNERSHP | Ownership | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_MORTGAGE | Mortgage | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_WATSUP | Water supply in dwelling | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_SHOWER | Sanitary installations in dwelling | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_TOILET | Toilet facilities | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_DWHEAT | Means of heating building | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_FUELBLDG | Heating fuel for building | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_HTFUELDW | Heating fuel for the dwelling | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_PLUMHEAT | Plumbing and heat | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_PHONE | Telephone | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_AUTOS | Automobiles | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_HDSPOUSE | Spouse of head in household | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_PERHH | Number of persons in the household | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_INDIVHH | Number of separate individuals in household | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_FAMSHH | Number of families in the Household | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_CHILDHH | Number of children in the Household | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_OCCHH | Standard of occupation in the household | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_DENSITY | Index of dwelling population | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_PERSFAM | Number of persons in the family | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_URBAN | Urban-rural and size of place | H | France 1982 | |
France 1982 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
FR1982A_FLOORS | Number of floors in the building | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_ROOMS | Number of rooms in the dwelling | H | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_DWNUMBLD | Dwelling number in the building | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_SEX | Sex | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_AGECAL | Age in calendar year | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_AGE | Age | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_MARST | Marital status | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_POPCAT | Detailed population category | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_EMPSTAT | Type of activity | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_LOOKING | Seeking employment | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_RELATE1 | Relationship to head of the household (person one) | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_FAMNUC | Relation of person within the family nucleus | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_RELATE | Relation to the reference person of the household | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_RELFAM | Family membership | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_RELFAM2 | Relation to the reference person of the family | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_COHAB | Form of cohabitation | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_BPLREG | Region of birth | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_CITIZEN | Citizenship | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_GENDIP | General education diploma | P | France 1982 | |
FR1982A_TECHDEG | Technical education diploma | P | France 1982 |