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South Africa 1996    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
ZA1996A_DWNUM Dwelling number H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_PERN Number of persons in household H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_REMARKS Remarks on geographic coding H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_QUESTYPE Household questionnaire type H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_URBAN Urban-rural H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_ADDMON2 Additional money generated by household H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_PAYMENT2 Remittances or payments received H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_MIGRANT Migrant workers absent from household H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_HHMIGRAN Migrant workers present in household H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_DWTYPE Type of dwelling H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_ROOMS Number of rooms H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_NSHAREDH Number of other households sharing the room H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_OWEND Dwelling ownership H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_FUELCOOK Fuel used for cooking H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_FUELHEAT Fuel used for heating H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_FUELLIGH Fuel used for lighting H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_WATER Main water supply H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_TOILET Toilet facilities H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_REFUSE Refuse disposal H South Africa 1996
South Africa 1996   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
ZA1996A_PHONE Access to telephone facilities H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_HHINCCAT Derived household income (monthly) H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_HHWT Household weight H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_FBIG Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_FSPLIT Dwelling created by splitting apart a corrupt or suspicious dwelling H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_DONATED Donated dwelling H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_D_NUM Donation strata: strata number H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_STRATA Strata H South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_HHTYPE Household questionnaire type P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_INSTTYPE Type of institution P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_SEX Sex P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_AGE Age P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_RELATE Relationship to head P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_MARST Marital status P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_RACE Population group P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_LANG1 First language P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_LANG2 Second language P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_RELIG Religion P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_BIRTHCOU Country of birth P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_CITIZ Citizenship P South Africa 1996
South Africa 1996   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
ZA1996A_CITIZSA Citizen of South Africa P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_MIGWORK Migrant worker P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_TEMPRESI Situation of usual residence P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_MOVEDY2 Year moved to usual residence P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_MOVEDDIS Magisterial district/country of previous residence P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_DISABLED Disability status P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_SIGHT Sight disability P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_HEARING Hearing disability P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_PHYSICAL Physical disability P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_MENTAL Mental disability P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_MOTHERAL Mother still alive P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_FATHERAL Father still alive P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_CHILBORN Number of children ever born P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_CHILDLIV Number of children still living P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_AGEFRSTB Age of mother at birth of first child P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_BORNLAST Number of births in last 12 months P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_SCHOOL Highest school grade completed P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_QUALFLD Highest post-school qualification field P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_STUDY Studying status P South Africa 1996
ZA1996A_QUALLEV Highest post-school qualification level P South Africa 1996