Portugal 1991 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PT1991A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_HHNUM | Household number (within dwelling) | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_HHN | Number of households in dwelling | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_PERND | Number of persons in dwelling | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_FBIG_ND | Number of persons in large dwelling before it was split | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_GEOGUN | City | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_GEOGSZ | Size of place of residence | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_GQ | Household type | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_DWTYPE | Type of living quarter | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_OCCUP2 | Occupancy status 1 | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_OCCUP1 | Occupancy status 2 | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_WATSUP | Water supply system | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_BATH | Bath or shower | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_KITCH | Availability of kitchen | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_ELECT | Electricity | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_MORTGAGE | Mortgage or loan resulting from the purchase of this dwelling | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_OWNER | Housing unit ownership | H | Portugal 1991 | |
Portugal 1991 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PT1991A_SEWER | Sewage disposal system | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_TENURE | Form of lease | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_ROOMS | Number of rooms in the dwelling | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_TOILET | Toilet facilities | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_ROOF | Roof | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_CONYR | Period of construction | H | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_PERNUMO | Person number, original | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_SPLOCO | Person number of the spouse | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_MOMLOCO | Person number of the mother | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_POPLOCO | Person number of the father | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_RELATE | Relationship household reference person | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_AGE | Age | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_SEX | Sex | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_MARST | Marital status | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_RELIG | Religion | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_LIT | Literacy | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_SCHOOL | School attendance | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_EDATTAN | Educational attainment | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_EDFLD | Field of education | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_CITIZ | Citizenship | P | Portugal 1991 | |
Portugal 1991 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PT1991A_CITIZC | Country of citizenship | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_RES | Place of usual residence on December 31, 1989 | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_RESC | Country of usual residence on December 31, 1989 | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_RESN | EU subregion of residence on December 31, 1989 | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_RESPR | Place of usual residence on December 31, 1985 | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_RESPRC | Country of usual residence on December 31, 1985 | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_RESPRN | EU subregion of usual residence on December 31, 1985 | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_BPLEU | EU subregion of birth | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_BPL | Place of birth | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_BPLC | Country of birth | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_WKPLEU | EU subregion of work or study | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_WKPL | Place of work or study | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_TRANS | Main mode of transportation to work or study | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_EMPSTAT | Employment status | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_CLASSWK | Class of worker | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_WKHRS | Usual number of hours worked per week | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_INCSRC | Source of livelihood | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_EMPSZ | Size of place of employment | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_SECTOR | Economic sector | P | Portugal 1991 | |
PT1991A_IND | Industry | P | Portugal 1991 |