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Botswana 2001    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BW2001A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_HHNUM Household number (within dwelling) H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Botswana 2001
BW2001A_PERN Number of persons in household H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_FBIG Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_PLANTLAND Owns or has access to land for planting or grazing H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_LANDACQ Land acquisition H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_HHTYPE Type of housing unit H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_TENURE Tenure of housing unit H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_ROOMS1 Number of rooms H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_WALL Material of wall H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_FLOOR Material of floor H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_ROOF Material of roof H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_WATSUP Water supply H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_TOILET Toilet facility H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_LIGHTING Fuel used for lighting H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_FUELCOOK Fuel used for cooking H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_FUELHEAT Fuel used for heating H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_TRASH Refuse disposal H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_ILLNESSHH Any ill person H Botswana 2001
Botswana 2001   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BW2001A_NURSEVISIT Any nurse visit H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_MORTN Number of deaths (last year) H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_CATTLE Owns cattle H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_GOATS Owns goats H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_SHEEP Owns sheep H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_PIGS Owns pigs H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_POULTRY Owns poultry H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_DONKEYS Owns donkeys or horses H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_OSTRICH Owns ostrich H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_GAME Owns game H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_CATTLE2 Cash from cattle H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_GOATS2 Cash from goats or sheep H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_POULTRY2 Cash from poultry H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_MAIZE Cash from maize H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_SORGHUM Cash from sorghum or millet H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_MELONS Cash from melons or sweet reeds H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_PHANE Cash from phane H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_FISH Cash from fish H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_THATCH Cash from thatch, poles, or reeds H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_FIREWOOD Cash from firewood H Botswana 2001
Botswana 2001   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BW2001A_SILKWORM Cash from silkworm cocoons H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_OTHERAG Cash from other agricultural activities H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_BEER Cash from beer H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_CRAFTWORK Cash from craftwork H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_CLOTHES Cash from clothes H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_CFOOD Cash from cooked food H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_OTHERHH Cash from other household activity H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_REMINSIDE Cash from remittances inside Botswana H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_REMOUTSIDE Cash from remittances outside Botswana H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_PENSION Cash from pension H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_RENT Cash from rent H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_MAINTENANCE Cash from maintenance H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_THRESHING Cash from threshing or stamping H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_VAN Ownership of van H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_CAR Ownership of car H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_TRACTOR Ownership of tractor H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_DNKYCART Ownership of donkey cart H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_BIKE Ownership of bicycle H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_WHEELBAR Ownership of wheel barrow H Botswana 2001
BW2001A_RADIO Ownership of radio H Botswana 2001