Thailand 1970 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
TH1970A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_DONATED | Donated dwelling | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_D_NUM | Donation strata: strata number | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_REGION | Region | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_SANDIST | Sanitary district | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_TYPEHH | Type of Household | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_DWTYPE | Type of living quarters | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_COMMUSE | Commercial use | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_WALLS | Construction materials of walls | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_OWNERSHP | Tenure of unit | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_OWNLAND | Ownership of land | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_DWOWNER | Ownership of dwelling | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_YRBUILT | Time of construction | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_BEDROOMS | Number of bedrooms | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_OTHROOMS | Number of other rooms used for sleeping | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_TOILET | Toilet facilities | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_FUELCOOK | Cooking fuel | H | Thailand 1970 | |
Thailand 1970 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
TH1970A_LIGHTING | Lighting | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_WATSUP | Water supply | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_RADIO | Ownership of radio | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_BIKE | Ownership of bicycle | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_MOTOBIKE | Ownership of motorcycle | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_SEWMACH | Ownership of sewing machine | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_FAN | Ownership of electric fan | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_TV | Ownership of television | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_CAR | Ownership of motor car | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_BOAT | Ownership of motor boat | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_FRIDGE | Ownership of refrigerator | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_WATPUMP | Ownership of water pump for agricultural use | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_TRACTOR | Ownership of plowing machine (tractor) | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_COWS | Number of cows | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_BUFFS | Number of buffaloes | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_PIGS | Number of pigs | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_STRATA | Strata | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_RELATE | Relationship to head of household | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_SEX | Sex | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_BIRTHYR | Animal year of birth | P | Thailand 1970 | |
Thailand 1970 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
TH1970A_RESIDENC | Residence status | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_RELIG | Religion | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_BPL | Province or country of birth | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_DURRES | Length of residence | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_PREVPROV | Previous residence, province or country | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_PREVURB | Previous residence, urban | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_LIT | Literacy | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_GRADEATT | School grade attended | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_GRADE | Highest grade completed | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_SUBFAM | Type of subfamily | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_SUBFAMN | Number of subfamilies | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_SECFAM | Secondary family | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_MARST | Marital status | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_CHBORN | Number of children born alive | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_CHSURV | Number of children still alive | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_OCCWK | Occupation last week | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_WORKREAS | Reason for not working | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_OCC | Principal occupation last year | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_IND | Principal industry last year | P | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1970A_CLASSWKR | Work status in principal occupation past year | P | Thailand 1970 |