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Mexico 1990   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX1990A_LOCSIZE Size of the locality H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_DWTYPE Dwelling type H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_WALLS Walls H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_ROOF Roof H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_FLOOR Floor H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_BEDROOM Bedrooms H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_ROOMS Total rooms H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_KITCHEN Kitchen H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_KITBED Kitchen also used as a bedroom H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_TOILET Toilet H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_TOILETF Flush toilet H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_WATSRC Piped water H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_SEWER Sewer connection H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_ELECTRIC Electricity H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_FUEL Fuel H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_OWNERSHP Ownership H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_PERSDW Number of people in the dwelling H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_COOKS Families/groups cook separately in dwelling? H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_NCOOKS Number of families/groups cook separately in dwelling H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_HHTYPE Household type H Mexico 1990
Mexico 1990   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX1990A_HHNUMH Household number H Mexico 1990
MX1990A_PERNUMO Person number P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_RELATE Relationship to head P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_RELATE2 Detailed relationship to head P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_SEX Sex P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_AGE Age P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_BPL Place of birth P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_RESPREV Place of prior residence P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_SPKLANG Speak an indigenous language P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_INDLANG Indigenous language P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_SPANISH Speak Spanish P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_RELIG Religion P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_LIT Literacy P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_ANYSCHL Completed any grade P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_SCHPRE Years of preschool completed P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_SCHTECHP Years of technical schooling after primary completed P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_SCHTECHS Years of technical schooling after secondary completed P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_SCHNORM Years of basic normal (teacher training) completed P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_EDLEVEL Level of schooling P Mexico 1990
Mexico 1990   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX1990A_GRADE Years of schooling completed at highest level P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_COURSE2 Course of study, 2 digits P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_COURSE3 Course of study, 3 digits P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_COURSE5 Course of study, 5 digits P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_CHBORN Children ever born P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_CHSURV Children surviving P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_MARST Marital status P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_OCC2 Occupation, 2 digits P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_OCC3 Occupation, 3 digits P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_OCC Occupation, 4 digits P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_WORKHRS Hours worked during the week P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_IND2 Industry, 2 digits P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_IND3 Industry, 3 digits P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_IND5 Industry, 5 digits P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_INCPERD Original period of income reported P Mexico 1990
MX1990A_SALARY Monthly salary P Mexico 1990