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Ireland 1971   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
IE1971A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_PERN Number of persons in household H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_FBIG Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_TYPEHH Type of household H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_BLDTYP Type of building H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_OWNERSH Dwelling ownership H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_BUILTYR Year dwelling was built H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_WATSUP Water supply H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_BATH Bath or shower H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_BATHSHAR Bath or shower shared H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_TOILET Sanitary facility H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_TOILIN Toilet inside the building H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_TOILSHAR Toilet shared with another household H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_ELECTRIC Electricity supply H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_COMMUNAL Communal dwelling H Ireland 1971
IE1971A_RELATE Relationship to family head P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_SEX Sex P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_AGE Age P Ireland 1971
Ireland 1971   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
IE1971A_MARST Marital status P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_CHBORN Number of children born in the marriage P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_BPL Region or country of birth P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_TRAVEL Means of travel to school/work P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_TRAVDIST Distance traveled for school/work P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_SPKIRISH Able to speak Irish P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_YRSSECED Number of years of secondary education P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_YRSVOCED Number of years of vocational education P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_YRSTERED Number of years of tertiary education P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_SCITECH Has scientific or technical qualifications P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_AGEEDUC Age when education ceased P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_CLASSWK Class of worker, employment status P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_IND Industry P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_OCC Occupation P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_SOCECON Socio-economic group P Ireland 1971
IE1971A_RELIG Religion P Ireland 1971