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Trinidad and Tobago 1980   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
TT1980A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_PERN Number of persons in household H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_BLDTYPE Type of building H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_WALLS Material of walls H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_BLTYR Built year H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_OWNDW Head of household rents or owns entire dwelling H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_ACCESS Entrance to living quarters H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_OTHERHH Occupied by other household H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_HHSIZE Size of household (number of members) H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_OWNERSHP Tenancy H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_DWTYPE Type of dwelling H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_WATSUP Water supply H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_TOILET Toilet facilities H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_TOILSHAR Toilet sharing H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_LIGHT Type of light H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_BEDROOMS Number of bedrooms H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_RENT Monthly rent of dwelling unit (in TT dollars) H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_STRATA Strata H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Trinidad and Tobago 1980   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
TT1980A_RELATE Relationship to head P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_SEX Sex P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_AGE Age P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_ETHNIC Ethnic group P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_RELIG Religion P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_BPL Place of birth P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_BPLCNTRY Country of birth P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_RESDUR Years living in Trinidad and Tobago P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_SCHOOL Attending school P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_SCHLTYPE Type of school attending P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_EDLEVEL Highest level of education P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_EDYEAR Years of schooling at highest level P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_EDATTAIN Educational attainment P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_EMPSTAT Employment status in the past week P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_SECTOR Employment sector P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_WKHOURS Hours worked in the past week P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_EMPSTATYR Employment status, past 12 months P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_WORKMON Months worked in last 12 months P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_MARST Marital status P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_PAYPER Last pay period P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Trinidad and Tobago 1980   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
TT1980A_SCHLLOC School location, county P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_OCC Main occupation (2-digit) P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1980A_IND Industry (2-digit) P Trinidad and Tobago 1980