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Guatemala 1994    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
GT1994A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_HHNUM Household number (within dwelling) H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_PERN Number of persons in household H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_HHN Number of households in dwelling H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_PERND Number of persons in dwelling H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_URBAN Urban or rural H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DWTYPE Dwelling type H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_ROOF Predominant material of the roof H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_WALLS Predominant material of the walls H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_OCCUP Occupation status H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_FLOOR Predominant material of the floor H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_WATSUP Connected water system H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_SEWAGE Connected drainage system H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_ELECT Connected electricity system H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_WATSRC Water service H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_TOILET Sanitary service H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_LIGHT Lighting service H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_BEDROOMS Rooms used as bedrooms H Guatemala 1994
Guatemala 1994   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
GT1994A_KITCHEN Room for cooking H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_FUELCK Means used for cooking H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_TRASH Means of elimination of trash H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_OWNERSHP Condition of dwelling ownership H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_RENT Amount of payment or rent H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_ACTFURN Make and sell furniture H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_ACTSALE Make and sell hats, hammocks, baskets, ceramics, or similar H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_ACTFOOD Make and sell food H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_MIGRANTS International migration H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_NABROAD Number of persons who live in another country H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DEATHS Death of a household member (since 1992) H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DTHMO1 Month of death, person 1 H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DTHYR1 Year of death, person 1 H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DTHSEX1 Sex of the dead person, person 1 H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DTHAGE1 Age when died, person 1 H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DTHMO2 Month of death, person 2 H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DTHYR2 Year of death, person 2 H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DTHSEX2 Sex of the dead person, person 2 H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DTHAGE2 Age of the dead person, person 2 H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DTHMO3 Month of death, person 3 H Guatemala 1994
Guatemala 1994   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
GT1994A_DTHYR3 Year of death, person 3 H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DTHSEX3 Sex of the dead person, person 3 H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DTHAGE3 Age when died, person 3 H Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_RELATE Relationship to household head P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_AGE Age in completed years P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_SEX Sex P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_MARST Marital status P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_INDIG Member of indigenous group P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_MOTHLIVE Mother is alive P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DISAB Disability P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_BPLDEPT Department of birth P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_BPLMUNI Municipality of birth P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_BPLCNTRY Country of birth P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_RESDUR Years of residence in current municipality P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DEPTPREV Department of previous residence P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_MUNIPREV Municipality of previous residence P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_CNTRYPREV Country of previous residence P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DEPT5YR Department of residence in 1990 P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_MUNI5YR Municipality of residence in 1990 P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_CNTRY5YR Country of residence in 1990 P Guatemala 1994