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Mexico 1960   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX1960A_LOCSIZE Size of the locality H Mexico 1960
MX1960A_URBAN Urban-rural H Mexico 1960
MX1960A_OWNED Ownership H Mexico 1960
MX1960A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Mexico 1960
MX1960A_PERNO Number of people H Mexico 1960
MX1960A_WATSRC Piped water availability H Mexico 1960
MX1960A_SEWER Sewer connection and bath H Mexico 1960
MX1960A_RADTV Radio and television H Mexico 1960
MX1960A_DEPN Number of people depending on the household head H Mexico 1960
MX1960A_INDLANG Indigenous or foreign language of the household head H Mexico 1960
MX1960A_WALLS Wall material in the dwelling H Mexico 1960
MX1960A_FUEL Fuel used in the dwelling H Mexico 1960
MX1960A_FAMSIZE Size of the family P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_RELATE Relationship P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_SEX Sex P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_AGE Age P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_BPL Place of birth P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_RESDUR Number of years living in locality P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_RESPR Place of prior residence P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_NATION Nationality P Mexico 1960
Mexico 1960   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX1960A_LANG Language P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_LIT Literacy P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_YRSCH1 Years of schooling P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_MARST Marital status P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_CHBORN Children ever born P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_OCC3 Principal occupation, 3 digits P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_IND Industry P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_INCEARN Monthly earnings category P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_INCCAT Income category P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_RELIG Religion P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_YRSCH2 Years of primary schooling completed and passed: primary P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_UNEMPDUR Weeks not worked P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_LOOKWORK Looking for work P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_BREADWHT Bread, meat, eggs, milk consumption P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_SHOES Shoes P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_INCMAY Earnings during the month of May P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_DAYWK Number of days worked the week before the census P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_OCC1 Principal occupation, 1 digit P Mexico 1960
MX1960A_OCC2 Principal occupation, 2 digits P Mexico 1960