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Peru 1993    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PE1993A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Peru 1993
PE1993A_HHNUM Household number (within dwelling) H Peru 1993
PE1993A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Peru 1993
PE1993A_HHN Number of households in dwelling H Peru 1993
PE1993A_PERND Number of persons in dwelling H Peru 1993
PE1993A_PERN Number of persons in household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_FBIG Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_DONATED Donated dwelling H Peru 1993
PE1993A_D_NUM Donation strata: strata number H Peru 1993
PE1993A_AREA Urban-rural H Peru 1993
PE1993A_WATSUP Water supply H Peru 1993
PE1993A_LIGHT Electric lighting H Peru 1993
PE1993A_OCCUPAN Occupancy H Peru 1993
PE1993A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Peru 1993
PE1993A_WALLS Predominant material in the walls H Peru 1993
PE1993A_FLOOR Predominant material in the floor H Peru 1993
PE1993A_SEWAGE Toilet facilities/sewerage connection H Peru 1993
PE1993A_ROOF Predominant material in the roof H Peru 1993
PE1993A_OWNER Ownership H Peru 1993
PE1993A_DWTYPE Dwelling type H Peru 1993
Peru 1993   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PE1993A_VACUUM Vacuum cleaner in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_AUTO1 Car or light truck for personal use in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_AUTO2 Car for work use in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_TOILET Use of sanitary facilities H Peru 1993
PE1993A_BIKE Bicycle in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_AUTO3 Light truck for work in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_KITCHEN Use of room for cooking H Peru 1993
PE1993A_COMPUTER Computer in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_BEDROOM Number of sleeping rooms H Peru 1993
PE1993A_ECONACTH Space in the dwelling used for economic activity H Peru 1993
PE1993A_WASHER Washing machine in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_FLOORWAX Floor polisher in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_SEWING Sewing machine in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_KNIT Knitting machine in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_MOTO Motorcycle/motor scooter in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_RADIO Radio in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_REFRIG Refrigerator in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_STEREO Stereo equipment in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_PHONE Telephone in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_TRICYCLE Tricycle for work in the household H Peru 1993
Peru 1993   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PE1993A_TVBW Black and white television in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_TVCOL Color television in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_VIDCAM Video recorder in the household H Peru 1993
PE1993A_IND Economic activity (4 digits) P Peru 1993
PE1993A_MENTAL Mental illness P Peru 1993
PE1993A_LASTBYR Year of birth of last child P Peru 1993
PE1993A_SCHOOL Currently attending an educational institution P Peru 1993
PE1993A_EMPSTAT Occupational category/employment status P Peru 1993
PE1993A_BLIND Blindness P Peru 1993
PE1993A_AGE1 Age chronology P Peru 1993
PE1993A_AGE2 Age in years and months P Peru 1993
PE1993A_MARST Marital status P Peru 1993
PE1993A_IND2 Economic activity (2 digits) P Peru 1993
PE1993A_CHSURV Children currently alive P Peru 1993
PE1993A_LANG Maternal language or dialect P Peru 1993
PE1993A_DISAB1 Physical disability P Peru 1993
PE1993A_DISAB2 Other disability P Peru 1993
PE1993A_DISLOWER Lower extremity loss or paralysis P Peru 1993
PE1993A_DISUPPER Upper extremity loss or paralysis P Peru 1993
PE1993A_PERWK Number of persons working in workplace P Peru 1993