Ghana 2010 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
GH2010A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_DISTYPE | District type | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_RESTYPE | Type of residence | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_EMIG6MO | Former household members 15+ living outside for 6+ months | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_DEATHS | Any deaths in the past 12 months | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_PHONE | Fixed phone line | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_COMPUTR | Desktop or laptop computer | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_AGCROP | Crop farming | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_AGTREE | Tree growing | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_AGLIVEST | Livestock raising | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_AGFISH | Fishing | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_AGMALE | Number of male household members engaged in agricultural activity | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_AGFEMALE | Number of female household members engaged in agricultural activity | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_WALL | Main material used for outer wall | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_FLOOR | Main material used for floor of dwelling | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_ROOF | Main material used for roof | H | Ghana 2010 | |
Ghana 2010 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
GH2010A_TENANCY | Present holding or tenancy arrangement | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_OWNERSHP | Dwelling ownership | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_ROOMS | Number of rooms in the household | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_BEDROOMS | Bedrooms | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_BEDSHARE | Sharing sleeping room | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_BEDRMNHH | Number of households sharing a sleeping room | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_LIGHT | Main source of lighting | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_WATDRINK | Main source of drinking water | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_WATSRC | Main source of water for domestic purposes | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_FUELCK | Main source of cooking fuel | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_COOKSPAC | Cooking space | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_BATHRM | Bathing | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_TOILET | Toilet | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_TOILSHAR | Sharing toilet with other households | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_TOILTNHH | Number of households using toilet facility | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_TRASH | Method of rubbish disposal | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_SEWER | Method of liquid waste disposal | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_URBAN | Urban | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_HOUSES | Unit structure | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_AGHOUSE | Agricultural household | H | Ghana 2010 | |
Ghana 2010 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
GH2010A_FAMTYPE | Family type | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_FAMNUC | Family nucleus | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_SEXHD | Sex of household head | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_AGEHD | Age of household head | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_AGPOPN | Number of household members engaged in agricultural activity | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_STRATA | Strata | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_RELATE | Relationship | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_SEX | Sex | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_AGE | Age | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_NATION | Nationality | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_ETHNIC | Ethnicity | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_BPLHERE | Birth in place of enumeration | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_BPL | Region or country of birth | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_SINCEBTH | Living in place of enumeration since birth | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_YRSHERE | Number of years lived at place of enumeration | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_RELIG | Religious affiliation | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_MARST | Marital status | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_LIT | Literacy | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_SCHOOL | School attendance | P | Ghana 2010 | |
GH2010A_EDLEVEL | Highest level of school attended or attending | P | Ghana 2010 |