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Argentina 1991   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
AR1991A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_PERN Number of persons in household H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_FBIG Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_FBIG_NH Number of persons in large household before it was split H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_DWTYPE Type of private dwelling H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_WALL Wall material H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_ROOF Roof material H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_FLOOR Floor material H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_ELECT Electricity H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_WATSERV Water service H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_WATSRC Source of water H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_FUELCK Cooking fuel H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_TOILET Toilet H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_SEWAGE Drain from toilet H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_TENURE Ownership H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_PERNO Number of persons in household, original H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_PERROOM Number of people per room H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_UBN Unsatisfied basic needs H Argentina 1991
Argentina 1991   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
AR1991A_FAMTY1 Type of family 1 H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_FAMTY2 Type of family 2 H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_SIZE Size of place H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_DWTYPEC Collective dwelling type H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_WTHH Household weight H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_STRATA Strata H Argentina 1991
AR1991A_RELATE Relationship P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_SEX Sex P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_AGE Age P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_RETIRED Retirement payment P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_RESH Place of current residence P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_RESPRH Residence 5 years ago P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_BORNH Place of birth P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_BORN Province or country of birth P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_LIT Literacy P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_SCH Attending school P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_SCHLEV Education level attends P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_SCHGR Education grade attends P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_EDATLEV Highest education level attended P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_EDATGR Highest grade passed P Argentina 1991
Argentina 1991   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
AR1991A_EDATCOM Completed education level P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_EDATLEV2 Highest level of education P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_CLASSWK Labor relation P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_EMPSTAT Activity status P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_NUMEMP Number of employees in work establishment P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_PUBEMP Jurisdiction [of public employment] P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_IND Industry P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_OCC Occupation P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_RETDED Deducted retirement P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_MARST Marital status P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_CHBORN Children born alive P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_CHLIV Children currently living P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_CHLASTY Children born alive last year P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_HLTHCOV Contribution to retirement fund P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_WTPER Person weight P Argentina 1991
AR1991A_WTPERC Person weight for occ, ind, migration P Argentina 1991