France 2006 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
FR2006A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_HHMUMR | Household number in the region (anonymized) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_BUILDYR | Aggregated period of house or building completion date | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_ELEVATOR | Has an elevator | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_SHOWER | Bathtub or shower (overseas departments) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_BUILDAPP | Type of building (overseas departments) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_DWELLCAT | Dwelling category | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_POPCAT | Condensed population category | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_HEATING | Method of heating dwelling (overseas departments) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_CENTHEAT | Dwelling central heat (metropolitan France) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_SOLRHEAT | Solar water heater (overseas departments) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_AIRCON | Has at least one air-conditioned room (overseas departments) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_FUELHEAT | Dwelling's main fuel (metropolitan France) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_KITCHEN | Interior kitchen with sink (overseas departments) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_MOTOBIKE | Number of motorized two-wheeled vehicles in the household (overseas territories) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_WATER | Potable water source inside dwelling (overseas departments) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_SEWAGE | Method of sewage disposal (overseas departments) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_ELECTRIC | Electricity in dwelling (overseas departments) | H | France 2006 | |
France 2006 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
FR2006A_PARKING | Reserved parking space | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_HLM | Dwelling belongs to HLM (rent-controlled apartment) agency | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_NUMFAMS | Number of families in the household | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_ROOMS | Number of rooms | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_PERSONS | Number of persons in the dwelling (aggregated) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_BATHING | Sanitary facilities (metropolitan France) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_BATHING2 | Sanitary facilities (overseas departments) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_FAMSTR | Household family structure | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_DWAREA | Dwelling size | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_TYPCONST | Type of building/construction | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_DWELLTYP | Type of dwelling | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_HHTYPED | Detailed household type | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_HHTYPE | Aggregated household type (in 9 categories) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_URBAN | Urban-rural status | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_AUTOS | Number of cars in the household | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_TOILET | Toilet inside dwelling (overseas departments) | H | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_YRMOVE | Year moved into dwelling (detailed) | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_YRMOVE2 | Year moved into dwelling (aggregated) | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_AGECAL | Age: difference between year of census and year of birth | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_AGE2 | Age in completed years (categorized) | P | France 2006 | |
France 2006 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
FR2006A_AGE | Age in completed years | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_AGE5 | Five-year age in completed years | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_BIRTHYR | Year of birth | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_YRSFR | Aggregated length of time in France | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_YRSDWELL | Length of time in the dwelling (detailed) | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_YRSDWLL2 | Length of time in the dwelling (aggregated) | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_FAMMEMB | Belongs to a family | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_PERIODFR | Period of arrival in France | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_COUPLE | Conjugality | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_SOCIO8 | Socio-professional category (1-digit) | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_SOCIO24 | Socio-professional category (2-digit) | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_SOCIO42 | Socio-professional category in 42 categories | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_DIPLOMA | Highest diploma achieved | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_CLASSWKR | Employment status | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_SCHOOL | Enrollment in school | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_STUDYLOC | Place of study | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_STUDYURB | Urban-rural place of study | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_WORKLOC | Place of work | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_WORKURB | Urban-rural place of work | P | France 2006 | |
FR2006A_IMMIG | Immigration status | P | France 2006 |