Germany 1971 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
DE1971A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HHNUM | Household number (within dwelling) | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HHN | Number of households in dwelling | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_PERND | Number of persons in dwelling | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_DWELLNO | Sequence number of dwelling in building | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_DWTYP | Type of dwelling | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_PERSONS | Number of persons in household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_NINC | Number of persons with income in household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_NAGE17 | Number of children under age 17 in household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_NAGE17U | Age(s) of children under age 17 in household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_NRETAGE | Number of persons of retirement age in household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_PLACESIZ | Size of municipality | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_BLDTYPE1 | Type of building - residency status | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_BLDTYPE2 | Type of building - place of dwelling | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_BUILDOWN | Type of ownership of building | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_BUILTYR | Year of construction of building | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_NFLOORS | Number of floors in building | H | Germany 1971 | |
Germany 1971 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
DE1971A_BLDCOND | Physical condition of building | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_BLDTELE | Building is connected to teleheating [district heating network] | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_BLDGAS | Building is connected to public gas network | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_PUBWATER | Building uses public water network | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_OWNWATER | Building uses building-specific facility for water supply [e.g. electrical water pump] | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_OTHWATER | Building obtains water supply from other source | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_PUBSEW | Building uses public sewage system | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_OWNSEW | Building uses building-specific facility for sewage disposal [e.g. septic tank] | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_OTHSEW | Building uses other means for sewage disposal | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_DWFLOOR | Floor position of dwelling | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_VACANT | Occupancy of dwelling | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_ROOMS | Number of rooms in dwelling | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_AREARMS | Floor space of rooms in dwelling (1/10 square meters) | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_AREAKIT | Floor space of kitchen(s) in dwelling (1/10 square meters) | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_AREAKIT1 | Floor space of first kitchen in dwelling (1/10 square meters) | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_AREAKIT2 | Floor space of second kitchen in dwelling (1/10 square meters) | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_AREAAUX | Floor space of auxiliary rooms in dwelling (1/10 square meters) | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HEATING | Type of heating | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_WATSUP | Source of water supply | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_TOILET | Type of toilet | H | Germany 1971 | |
Germany 1971 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
DE1971A_SHOWER | Dwelling has bath/shower | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_GAS | Dwelling is connected to gas network | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HOTWATER | Dwelling has hot water supply | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_NHHS | Number of households in dwelling | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_NPRINRES | Number of principal residents in dwelling | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_NSECRES | Number of secondary residents in dwelling | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HH1PRES | Number of principal residents in first household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HH1SRES | Number of secondary residents in first household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HH1ROOMS | Number of rooms of first household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HH1AREA | Floor space of rooms of first household (1/10 square meters) | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HH1TEN | Tenancy status of first household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HH2PRES | Number of principal residents in second household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HH2SRES | Number of secondary residents in the second household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HH2ROOMS | Number of rooms of the second household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HH2AREA | Floor space of rooms of the second household (1/10 square meters) | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_HH2TEN | Tenancy status of the second household | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_KITCHAR | Dwelling has kitchen(ette) | H | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_PERNO | Sequence number of person in collective dwelling | P | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_PERNO2 | Sequence number of person in household | P | Germany 1971 | |
DE1971A_AGE | Age | P | Germany 1971 |