Kyrgyzstan 1999 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
KG1999A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_FGQ | Dwelling created by splitting apart a collective or large household | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_DONATED | Donated dwelling | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_D_NUM | Donation strata: strata number | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_URBAN | Urban or rural | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_OWNER | Owner of residential premises | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_HOUSEN | Houses and flats occupied by household | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_ROOMS | Number of occupied living rooms | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_SURFAREA | Surface area of occupied premise in square meters | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_RESAREA | Size of residential area of an occupied premise in square meters | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_PHONE | Telephone | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_PERNO | Number of the first member of a household within a premise | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_ROOMSE | Number of occupied living rooms | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_RESAREAE | Size of residential area of an occupied premise in square meters | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_ELECT | Electricity | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_STOVE | Electric stove | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_GASNET | Network gas | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
Kyrgyzstan 1999 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
KG1999A_GASLIQ | Liquefied gas (bottled) | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_HEATPLANT | Heating from heating plant, rayon boiler-houses | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_HEATBOIL | Heating from boilers | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_HEATSTOVE | Heating from individual stoves | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_WATRUN | Running water | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_SEWAGE | Sewage | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_BATH | Bath or shower | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_HOTWATC | Central hot water supply | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_HOTWATB | Hot water supply from individual water-boilers | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_NOFAC | No facilities | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_STRATA | Strata | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_RELATE | Relationship to the person enumerated first in the household | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_PARLOCO | Number of mother (or father) in the household | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_SEX | Sex | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_ABSENT | Presence on census night | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_BIRMON | Month of birth | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_BIRYR | Year of birth | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_AGE | Age | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_NATION | Nationality | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_LANG1 | Mother tongue | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
Kyrgyzstan 1999 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
KG1999A_LANG2 | Other fluently spoken language (first) | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_LANG3 | Other fluently spoken language (second) | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_BPL | City, district or country of birth | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_CITIZ | Citizenship | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_PERRESID | Residing permanently since birth | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_YRMOVE | Year moved | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_RESPREV | District or country of previous residence | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_MOVEURB | Moved from urban or rural area | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_REFUGEE | Refugee | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_MARST | Marital status | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_SPNO | Serial number of spouse | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_EDLEV | Education | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_VOCGRAD | Graduated from vocational school | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_SCIDEG | Persons with scientific degree | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_SCHTYPE | Type of educational institution attending | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_PRSCHOOL | Attending preschool institution | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_CLASSW1 | Salaried employment at an enterprise, organization, institution | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_CLASSW2 | Salaried employment in a farm | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_CLASSW3 | Salaried employment for individuals | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG1999A_CLASSW4 | Owners of enterprises, farms | P | Kyrgyzstan 1999 |