Ireland 1991 [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
IE1991A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_AREATYPE | Area type | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_HHTYPE | Type of household | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_BLDTYPE | Type of building | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_OWNERSHP | Nature of occupancy | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_ROOMS | Number of rooms | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_BUILTYR | Year building built | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_WATSUP | Connection to piped water supply | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_WATINSID | Water tap inside the building | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_BATH | Bath or shower | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_TOILET | Sanitary facilities | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_TOILIN | Toilet inside the building | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_TOILSHAR | Toilet shared with another household | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_HEATING | Principal method of heating in winter | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_FUELHEAT | Principal fuel used for heating in winter | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_COMMUNAL | Communal dwelling | H | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_USUALRES | Usual residence flag | P | Ireland 1991 | |
Ireland 1991 (continued) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
IE1991A_RELATE | Relationship to person 1 | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_FAMREL | Family relationship | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_SEX | Sex | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_AGE | Age | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_MARST | Marital status | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_BPL | Region or country of birth | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_RESNOW | Region of country of usual residence | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_RESYRAGO | Region of country of usual residence 1 year ago | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_YRIMMIG | Year taking up residency in Ireland | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_PREVCTRY | Country of previous residence | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_MEANTRV | Means of travel to work/school/college | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_DISTTRAV | Distance travelled to work/school/college | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_SPKIRISH | Ability to speak Irish | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_LEVELED | Highest level of education completed | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_SCITECH | Scientific or technical qualification | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_EDCEASE | Age education ceased | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_EMPSTAT | Employment status | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_CLASSWKR | Class of worker | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_IND | Industry class | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_OCC | Occupation group | P | Ireland 1991 | |
Ireland 1991 (continued) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
IE1991A_SOCECON | Socio-economic group (SEG) | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_SOCCLASS | Social class | P | Ireland 1991 | |
IE1991A_RELIG | Religion | P | Ireland 1991 |