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Ethiopia 1994    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
ET1994A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_HHNUM Household number (within dwelling) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_HHN Number of households in dwelling H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_PERND Number of persons in dwelling H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_PERN Number of persons in household H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_FBIG Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_URBAN Urban or rural status H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_RESTYPE Type of residence H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_WTHH Weight H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_RURALHH Information on rural households H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_HOUSTYPR Housing type (rural households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_WALLR Main wall material (rural households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_ROOFR Main roof material (rural households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_WATSRCR Source of drinking water (rural households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_ROOMSR Rooms in the dwelling (rural households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_TOILETR Type of toilet (rural households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_SHARER Bedroom shared with domestic animals (rural households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_KITCHENR Type of kitchen (rural households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_FUELCKR Fuel for cooking (rural households) H Ethiopia 1994
Ethiopia 1994   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
ET1994A_RADIOR Radio (rural households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_URBANHH Information on urban households H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_HHSURB Households in dwelling (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_MALEU Males in household (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_FEMU Females in household (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_HHTYPU Housing type (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_BUILDTYPU Building type (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_HHAGEU Housing age (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_WALLU Main wall material (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_ROOFU Main roof material (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_CEILINGU Main ceiling material (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_FLOORU Main floor material (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_ROOMSU Rooms in the dwelling (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_TENUREU Dwelling tenure (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_RENTU Monthly rent amount (in Birr, urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_WATSRCU Source of drinking water (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_KITCHENU Type of kitchen (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_FUELCKU Fuel for cooking (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_BATHU Type of bathroom (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_TOILETU Type of toilet (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
Ethiopia 1994   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
ET1994A_LIGHTU Type of lighting (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_RADIOU Radio (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_PHONEU Telephone (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_TVU Television (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_STRATA Strata H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_RESIDENT Residence status P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_RELATE Relationship to household head P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_SEX Sex P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_AGE Age P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_RELIGION Religion P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_MTONG Mother tongue P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_LANG2 Second language P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_ETHNIC Ethnic group P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_MARST Marital status P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_WTPER Person weight P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_DURRES Duration of continuous residence in Wereda P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_PREVURB Urban status of place of previous residence P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_DISAB Disability P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_SCHOOL Grade or educational level of enrollment in school P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_EDATTAN Education level completed P Ethiopia 1994