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Guatemala 1964    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
GT1964A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_PERN Number of persons in household H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_NOCCUP Number of occupants H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_DWTYPE Type of dwelling H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_OWNERSHP Ownership H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_RENT Dwelling rent (in Quetzales) H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_BEDROOMS Number of rooms for sleeping H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_WALLS Wall material H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_ROOF Roof material H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_FLOOR Floor material H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_RUNWAT Water system H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_WATSUP Location of running water H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_WATDIST Water service source H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_BATH Bathroom H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_TOILET Type of sanitary service H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_TOILSHAR Use of sanitary services H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_SEWAGE Type of drain H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_LIGHT Lighting H Guatemala 1964
Guatemala 1964   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
GT1964A_FUELCK Means for cooking H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_RADIO Radio H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_TV Television H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_REFRIG Refrigerator H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_WASHER Washer H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_WATHEAT Water heater H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_PHONE Telephone H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_LOCTYPE Category of locality H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_BLDTYPE Type of building H Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_FARM Manages a farm P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_RELATE Relation with the household head P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_SEX Sex P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_AGE Age (in years) P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_MARST Marital status P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_ETHNIC Ethnic group P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_LANG Speaks an indigenous language at home P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_INDIG Indigenous outfit P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_SHOES Footwear P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_BPL Department or country of birth P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_RESDUR Years of residence in current municipality P Guatemala 1964
Guatemala 1964   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
GT1964A_PREVRES Department of previous residence P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_NATION Nationality P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_RELIG Religion P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_LIT Literacy P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_SCHOOL School attendance P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_SCHLGRADE Grade currently attending P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_SCHLLEV Educational level currently attending P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_SCHED Level and grade currently attending P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_EDGRADE Grade completed P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_EDLEV Educational level completed P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_EDATTAIN Level and grade completed P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_WORKED Worked (last four weeks) P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_WKLOOK Looked for work (last four weeks) P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_OCC3 Occupation (3-digits) P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_OCC2 Occupation (2-digits) P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_OCC1 Occupation (1-digit) P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_IND3 Field of economic activity (3-digits) P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_IND2 Field of economic activity (2-digits) P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_IND1 Field of economic activity (1-digit) P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Guatemala 1964