Germany 1981 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
DE1981A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_FBIG_NH | Number of persons in large household before it was split | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_HHSEQ | Number of households in the dwelling | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_HHTYPE | Type of household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_NUMFAMS | Number of families in household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_NUMPERS | Number of persons in household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_COREFAM | Type of family | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_SOCGROUP | Social group of household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_MULTIHH | Household and dwelling | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_RESIDENTS | Number of principal residents in household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_NRETAGE | Number of principal residents of retirement age in household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_BLDTYPE | Type of building | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_BLDOWN | Ownership of building | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_OWNRENT | Owner occupied building | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_FLOORS | Number of floors in building | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_BLDCOND | Condition of building | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_YRCONSTR | Year of reconstruction of building | H | Germany 1981 | |
Germany 1981 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
DE1981A_RECONSTR | Reconstruction of building | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_SEWAGE | Type of sewage disposal for building | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_WATER | Type of water supply system for building | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_NDWELLS | Number of dwellings in building | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_DWELLUSE | Use of dwelling | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_ROOMS | Number of rooms in dwelling | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_AREA | Floor space of all rooms (square meters) | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_KITAREA | Floor space of kitchen (square meters) | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_AUXAREA | Floor space of all auxiliary rooms (square meters) | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_STOVES | Stove heating | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_DISTHEAT | Tele (district) heating | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_CENTHEAT | Central/floor heating | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_GASHEAT | Gas heating | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_ELECHEAT | Electric boiler heating | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_WATSUP | Type of water supply in dwelling | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_TOILET | Type and location of toilet | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_BATH | Location of bath/shower | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_GAS | Type of gas supply | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_GASFLOW | Gas-flow heater for hot water | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_ELECBOIL | Electric boiler for hot water | H | Germany 1981 | |
Germany 1981 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
DE1981A_CHOTWAT | Central hot water system | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_NOHOTWAT | Hot water not available | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_FACILA | Facility level A | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_FACILB | Facility level B | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_NHHS | Number of households in dwelling | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_NRESIDS | Number of principal residents in dwelling | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_NSECRES | Number of secondary residents in dwelling | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_OWN1HH | Tenancy status of 1st household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_OWN2HH | Tenancy status of 2nd household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_RES1HH | Number of principal residents in 1st household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_RES2HH | Number of principal residents in 2nd household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_RES3HH | Number of principal residents in 3rd household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_KIDS1HH | Number of children under age 17 in 1st household | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_KITSIZE | Size of kitchen | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_ROOMS2 | Statistical number of rooms | H | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_PERSEQHH | Number of persons in household | P | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_FAMSEQ | Number of families in household | P | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_NPERFAM | Number of persons in family | P | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_PERSEQF | Number of the person in the family | P | Germany 1981 | |
DE1981A_KIDSFAM | Number of children (of the principal resident) aged under 17 years | P | Germany 1981 |