Paraguay 2002 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PY2002A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_HHNUM | Household number (within dwelling) | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_HHN | Number of households in dwelling | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_PERND | Number of persons in dwelling | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_URBAN | Urban-rural status | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_TYPCENS | Census | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_FORM | Form number | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_OCCUP | Occupancy | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_WALL | Wall material | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_FLOOR | Floor material | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_ROOF | Roof material | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_TRASH | Trash disposal | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_LIGHT | Electric lighting | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_WATSRC | Water source | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_WATSUP | Water supply | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_DRINKWAT | Drinking water source | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
Paraguay 2002 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PY2002A_OWN | Ownership of dwelling | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_LANDOWN | Land ownership | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_SHARFOOD | Dwelling occupants share cost of food | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_ROOMS | Number of rooms | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_BEDROOMS | Number of bedrooms | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_TV | Television | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_REFRIG | Refrigerator | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_PHONE | Landline telephone | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_CELL | Cell phone | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_WASHER | Washing machine | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_VCRDVD | Video or DVD player | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_HOTWAT | Water heater | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_AIRCON | Air conditioner | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_AUTO | Automobile or truck | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_MOTOCY | Motorcycle or motorscooter | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_ANTENNA | Antenna | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_TVCAB | Cable television | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_MICRO | Microwave | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_COMPUTR | Computer | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_INTERNET | Internet | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
Paraguay 2002 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
PY2002A_NOAPPL | No household appliances | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_FUELCK | Fuel used for cooking | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_BATH | Bathroom | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_NBATH | Number of bathrooms | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_TOILET | Sewage | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_LANGHH | Language spoken in the household | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_DEADHH | Death in the household in 2001 | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_DEATHM | Month of death | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_DEATHAGE | Age of deceased | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_DEATHSX | Sex of deceased | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_DEATHWHY | Reason for death | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_VIMPE | Disabled dwelling | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_VINDO | Indigenous dwelling | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_HHTYPE2 | Household type | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_WTHH | Household weight | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_RELATE | Relationship to head of household | P | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_SEX | Sex | P | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_AGE | Age | P | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_BTHCERT | Birth certificate | P | Paraguay 2002 | |
PY2002A_IDCARD | Identity card | P | Paraguay 2002 |