South Africa 2011 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ZA2011A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_HHNUM | Household number (within dwelling) | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_QNTYPE | Questionnaire type | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_QNNUM | Serial number for questionnaire | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_DWTYPE1 | Type of living quarters | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_DWTYPE2 | Type of dwelling (for main dwelling) | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_DWTYPE3 | Type of dwelling (for other dwelling) | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_ROOF | Roof material | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_WALL | Wall material | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_DINRMS | Number of dining rooms | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_LIVRMS | Number of living rooms | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_DINLIVRMS | Number of dining or living rooms | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_BEDRMS | Number of bedrooms | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_STUDYRMS | Number of study rooms | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_MULTIRMS | Number of multi-use rooms | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_OTHRMS | Number of rooms used for other purposes | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_ROOMS | Total number of rooms | H | South Africa 2011 | |
South Africa 2011 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ZA2011A_TENURE | Tenure status | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_WATSUP | Water supply | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_WATSRC | Water source | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_WATSUPINT1 | Interruption in water supply in last 12 months | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_WATSUPINT2 | Interruption of water supply lasted more than two days | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_ALTWATSRC | Alternative water source | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_TOILET | Toilet | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_FUELCK | Fuel for cooking | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_FUELH | Fuel for heating | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_FUELLGHT | Fuel for lighting | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_TRASH | Refuse disposal | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_REFRIG | Refrigerator | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_STOVE | Electric or gas stove | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_VACUUM | Vacuum cleaner | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_WASHER | Washing machine | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_COMPUTR | Computer | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_SATETV | Satellite television | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_DVD | DVD player | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_AUTOS | Motorcar | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_TV | Television | H | South Africa 2011 | |
South Africa 2011 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
ZA2011A_RADIO | Radio | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_PHONE | Landline telephone | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_CELL | Cell phone | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_POSTBOX | Mail post box or bag | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_MAIL | Mail delivered at residence | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_INTRNET | Access to internet | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_DEATHS | Any deaths in past 12 months | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_NUMDEATHS | Number of deaths | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_AGEHEAD | Age of household head | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_ETHHEAD | Race or ethnicity of household head | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_SEXHEAD | Sex of household head | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_INCHEAD | Annual income of household head in Rand | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_EMPSTATHEAD | Employment status of household head | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_HHETH | Majority population group in the household | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_HHINC | Annual household income category | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_URBAN | Urban-rural status | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_WTHH | Household weight | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_NUMMORT | Number of mortality records | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_STRATA | Strata | H | South Africa 2011 | |
ZA2011A_AGE | Age in completed years | P | South Africa 2011 |