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Puerto Rico 1970    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PR1970A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_PERN Number of persons in household H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_SUBSAMP Subsample number H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_METAREA Metropolitan area H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_GQ Group quarters status H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_GQTYPE Group quarters type H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_FARM Farm status H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_OWNERSHP Ownership of dwelling H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_MORTGAGE Mortgage status H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_VALUEH House value H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_COMMUSE Commercial use H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_RENT Monthly contract rent H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_RENTGRS Monthly gross rent H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_COSTELEC Annual electricity cost H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_COSTGAS Annual gas cost H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_COSTWATR Annual water cost H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_COSTFUEL Annual home heating fuel cost H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_FTOTINC Total family income H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_VACANCY Vacancy status H Puerto Rico 1970
Puerto Rico 1970   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PR1970A_VACDUR Duration of vacancy H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_ACCESS Access to unit H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_KITCHEN Kitchen or cooking facilities H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_PLUMBING Plumbing facilities H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_HOTWATER Hot and cold piped water H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_SHOWER Bathtub or shower H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_TOILET Flush toilet H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_BUILTYR Age of the structure H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_HOUSQUAL Condition of housing H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_UNITSSTR Units in structure H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_WATERSRC Source of water H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_SEWAGE Sewage disposal H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_BEDROOMS Number of bedrooms H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_PHONE Telephone availability H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_TV Television set H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_RADIO Radio H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_FUELCOOK Cooking fuel H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_AUTOS Automobiles available H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_NFAMS Number of families in household H Puerto Rico 1970
Puerto Rico 1970   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PR1970A_NCOUPLES Number of married couples in household H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_NMOTHERS Number of mothers in household H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_NFATHERS Number of fathers in household H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QACCESS Flag for access H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QCLOSEOU Flag for closeout household record H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QAUTOS Flag for autos H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QBEDROOM Flag for bedrooms H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QBUILTYR Flag for builtyr H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QCOMMUSE Flag for commuse H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QCOSTEL2 Flag for costelec H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QCOSTELE Flag for costelec H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QMORTGAG Flag for mortgage H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QCOSTFUE Flag for costfuel H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QCOSTGAS Flag for costgas H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QCOSTWA2 Flag for costwatr H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QCOSTWAT Flag for costwatr H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QVACDUR Flag for vacdur H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QFUELCOO Flag for fuelcook H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QGQ Flag for gq H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_QHOTWATE Flag for hotwater H Puerto Rico 1970