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Argentina 1980   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
AR1980A_DWNUM Dwelling number H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_PERNUM Person number (within household) P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_PERN Number of persons in household H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_FBIG Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_FBIG_NH Number of persons in large household before it was split H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_URBAN Urban-rural H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_DWTYPE Dwelling type H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_FLOOR Floor material H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_WALL Exterior wall material H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_ROOF Outer covering of the roof H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_BEDROOM Number of rooms excluding the bathroom or kitchen H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_WATDIST Water supply H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_WATSUP Water source H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_FUELCK Cooking fuel H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_ELECT Electricity service H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_BATHRM Toilet H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_SHOWER Shower or bathtub H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_CONYR Age of construction H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_TENURE Type of tenancy H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_DENSITY Persons per room H Argentina 1980
Argentina 1980   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
AR1980A_FAMTY Household type H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_BASICS Basic needs covered H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_WTHH Household weight H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_STRATA Strata H Argentina 1980
AR1980A_RELATE Relation to the head of household P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_SEX Sex P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_AGE Age P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_BPL2 Place of birth recode P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_RES Place of residence P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_RESPR Place of residence 5 years ago P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_ARRYR Year arrived in Argentina P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_CITIZ Citizenship P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_LIT Literacy P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_SCHOOL School attendance P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_EDLEV Highest educational level P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_EDCOMP Completed highest level of education P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_UNIVMAJ University major P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_OCC Occupation P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Argentina 1980
Argentina 1980   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
AR1980A_INDCAT Type of establishment P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_IND Industry P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_ESTSIZE Establishment size P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_MARST Marital status P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_CHBORNY Have children born alive P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_CHBORN Children born alive P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_CHSURV Children born alive currently living P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_CHBORNR Children born alive in the last year P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_WTPER Person weight P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_BPL Place of birth P Argentina 1980
AR1980A_EDATTAIN Educational attainment P Argentina 1980