Brazil 1980 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
BR1980A_DWTYPE | Dwelling class | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_DWTYPE1 | Dwelling type | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_WALL | Walls | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_FLOOR | Floor | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_ROOF | Roof | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_WATER | Water supply | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_SEWAGE | Sewage outlet | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_SEWAGUSE | Sewage use | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_OWNERSHP | Condition of occupation | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_RENT | Rent or monthly payment | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_LENGTH | Length of residence | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_NROOMS | Total number of rooms | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_NBEDROOM | Rooms serving as bedrooms | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_COOK | Cooking facility | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_COOKFUEL | Fuel used to cook | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_PHONE | Telephone | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_ELECTR | Electricity | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_RADIO | Radio | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_REFRIG | Refrigerator | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_TV | Television | H | Brazil 1980 | |
Brazil 1980 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
BR1980A_AUTO | Automobile | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_URBAN | Urban-rural | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_WTHH | Dwelling weight | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_STRATA | Strata | H | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_WTPER | Person weight | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_SEX | Sex | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_RELATE | Relationship to head of dwelling | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_RELATEF | Relationship to head of household | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_FAMMEMB | Family membership | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_AGEYEARS | Age in years | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_RELIGION | Religion | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_COLOR | Color | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_MOMALIVE | Mother is living | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_NATION | Nationality | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_BIRTHPLC | State or country of birth | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_BORNMUN | Born in this municipality | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_AREALVED | Area type lived in this municipality | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_PREVURB | Urban-rural status of previous residence | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_LENGHTST | Length of residence in current state | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_LENGHTMU | Length of residence in current municipality | P | Brazil 1980 | |
Brazil 1980 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
BR1980A_PREVMUNI | Municipality of previous residence | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_READWRIT | Know how to read and write | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_SCHGRADE | Current grade | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_CRSSTDY | Level now studying | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_NGRADATT | Ungraded course | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_YRSCHOOL | Last completed grade | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_YRSCHOO1 | Level of last course concluded | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_CRSCONCL | Type of last course concluded | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_MARST | Marital status | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_WORK | Worked in the last 12 months | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_EMPSTAT | Current activity | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_INCOMBKT | Total income-brackets | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_OCC | Occupation | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_INDUSTRY | Industry | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_CLASSWKR | Class of worker | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_SOCSEC | Contribution to Social Security | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_HOURWORK | Hours worked in principal occupation | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_GROSSINC | Gross earnings in principal occupation | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_EARNPROD | Earning in products/merchandise in principal occupation | P | Brazil 1980 | |
BR1980A_NSALARY | Salaries (monthly wages) received | P | Brazil 1980 |