Ghana 2000 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
GH2000A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_DWTYPE1 | Type of residence | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_URBAN | Urban-rural | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_SUPPLEM | Supplement completed | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_CONIN | Original or continuation form | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_PERNOH | Usual members present in the household | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_PERNOV | Number of visitors present in the household | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_PERNOHA | Number of household members absent | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_PERNOE | Number of persons present in the household | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_DWTYPE2 | Type of dwelling | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_WALL | Outer wall | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_FLOOR | Floor material | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_ROOF | Roof material | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_TENURE | Tenure or holding arrangement | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_OWNER | Ownership type | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_ROOMS | Rooms | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_ROOMSS | Sleeping rooms | H | Ghana 2000 | |
Ghana 2000 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
GH2000A_LIGHT | Lighting | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_WATER | Water supply | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_TOILET | Toilet facilities | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_TOILETEX | Exclusive use of toilet | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_FUELC | Cooking fuel | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_KITCH | Cooking space (kitchen) | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_BATH | Bathing facilities | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_GARBAGE | Solid waste disposal | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_SEWER | Liquid waste disposal | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_STRATA | Strata | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_RELATE | Relationship to head of household | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_SEX | Sex | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_AGE | Age | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_NATION | Nationality | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_ETHNIC | Ethnicity | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_ETHNICD | Ethnicity, detailed | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_BPLHERE | Born in this town or village | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_BPL | Region of birth outside of this town or village | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_RESR | Usual place of residence, region | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_RESD | Usual place of residence, district | P | Ghana 2000 | |
Ghana 2000 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
GH2000A_RES5R | Place of residence five years ago, region | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_RES5D | Place of residence five years ago, district | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_RELIG | Religion | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_MARST | Marital status | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_LIT | Literacy | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_SCHOOL | Ever attended school (full-time) | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_EDLEV | Highest level attained or attending | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_GRADE | Highest grade completed at that level | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_EDATTAIN | Highest level and grade of education attained | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_WORKED | Worked for pay, profit, or family gain last week | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_EMPSTAT | Unemployment status | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_WKDAY | Days worked last week | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_WKHOUR | Hours worked last week | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_OCC | Occupation | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_IND | Industry | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_CLASSWK | Class of worker | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_EMPSECT | Employment sector | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_CHBORNM | Number of children ever born -- male | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_CHBORNF | Number of children ever born -- female | P | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2000A_CHSURVM | Number of children surviving -- male | P | Ghana 2000 |