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Fiji 2007   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
FJ2007A_AWAYMALE Male children ever born who are living elsewhere P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_AWAYFEM Female children ever born who are living elsewhere P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_AWAYCHD Total children ever born who are living elsewhere P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_CHDEADM Male children dead P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_CHDEADF Female children dead P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_CHDEAD Total children dead P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_CHBORNM Total male children ever born P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_CHBORNF Total females children ever born P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_LASTBMO Month of last birth P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_LASTBYR Year of last birth P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_LASTBSEX Sex of last born child P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_LASTBLIV Last born child still alive P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_CHSURVM Male children surviving P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_CHSURVF Female children surviving P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_CHSURV Total children surviving P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_SUBFAM Subfamily number P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_SUBREL Subfamily relationship P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_PARENTS Parents in the home P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_MIGBPL Born in different province P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_MIGRESID Usual residence different province P Fiji 2007
Fiji 2007   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
FJ2007A_MIG5YR Lived in different province 5 years ago P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_MIGORIG Origin different province P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_MIGBPE Migration between birth, 2002 and current census P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_MOTHER0 Age of mother of child aged 0 P Fiji 2007