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Brazil 1991    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR1991A_DISABLED Physical or mental handicap P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_MIGMUNIC Area type lived in this municipality P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_LIVEDWEL Years living in dwelling P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_BORNMUN Born in this municipality P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_NATION Nationality P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_YEARESCY Year established residence in the country P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_BPLCNTRY State or foreign country of birth P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_NYRLIVST Years living in the state P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_NYRLIVMU Years living in the municipality P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_STATPREV State of previous residence P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_SITPREV Situation of previous residence P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_STATE86 State where living September 1, 1985 P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_SIT86 Urban status of residence on September 1, 1985 P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_LIT Literacy P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_SCHGRADE Current grade in school P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_LEVELATT Level now studying in graded course P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_NGLEVATT Level now studying in non-graded course P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_YRSCHOOL Last grade completed P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_YRSCHOO1 Last level completed P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_YRSTUDY Years of study P Brazil 1991
Brazil 1991   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR1991A_CRSCONCL Course concluded P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_LIVSPOUS Ever lived with a spouse P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_AGEFSTUN Age of person when entering first union P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_AGECURUN Age of person when entering current marital situation P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_MARST1 Married, nature of union P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_MARST2 Non-married status P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_YRCURUN Duration of person's current marital status P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_MARRNO Current marital situation P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_WORK Worked during all or some of the last 12 months P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_OCC Occupation P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_OCCUPGR Occupational group P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_IND Industry P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_INDSECT Industrial sector P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_WORKEREG Registered worker P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_NEMPLOYE Number of employees in establishment, business, institution, etc. P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_WORKPLAC Workplace P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_SOCSEC Contribution to public social security P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_HOURWORK Hours worked per week in main occupation P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_HOURWKOC Hours worked in other occupations P Brazil 1991
Brazil 1991   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR1991A_GROSSINC Gross income from main occupation P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_TOTINCOM Total nominal income P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_TOTINCBR Brackets of total nominal income P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_REALINC Real total income brackets P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_INCBKTOC Income brackets of main occupation P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_GRSINCOT Gross income from other occupations P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_INCOTHOC Income brackets of other occupations P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_OCCUCOND Condition of activities P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_RETIRED Retired or receiving pension P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_INCRETIR Gross income from retirement pension P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_INCRETBR Income brackets of retirement and/or pension P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_OTHERINC Gross income or monthly average from other income P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_OTHINCBR Brackets of other incomes P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_CHBORN Total children ever born P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_MALEBORN Number of sons ever born P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_FEMBORN Number of daughters ever born P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_BORNALIV Total number of children born alive P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_MALELIV Number of sons born alive P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_FEMLIV Number of daughters born alive P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_CHSURV Total number of living children P Brazil 1991