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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
LA2005A_FARM Main activity in occupation during the last 12 months P Laos 2005
LA2005A_FARM2 Worked mainly in agriculture industry in last 12 months P Laos 2005
LS1996A_ACTIVITY Employment status last week P Lesotho 1996
LS1996A_EMPSTAT12 Employment status of job seekers 1 year ago P Lesotho 1996
LS1996A_SECTOR Employer P Lesotho 1996
LS1996A_WKLOC1 District or country of employment location P Lesotho 1996
LS1996A_WKLOC2 District or country of employment in urban areas P Lesotho 1996
LS1996A_WKLOCZA Works or ever worked in South Africa P Lesotho 1996
LS1996A_WKDURZA Duration of work in South Africa P Lesotho 1996
LS2006A_ACTIVITY Economic activity in the last week P Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_EMPSTAT12 Employment status of job seekers (12 months ago) P Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_WKLOC District or country of work location P Lesotho 2006
LR1974A_ECONACT Economic activity P Liberia 1974
LR1974A_CLASSWK Work status P Liberia 1974
LR2008A_EMPSTAT Activity status P Liberia 2008
LR2008A_CLASSWK Work status P Liberia 2008
MW1987A_ACTIVITY Activity status last week P Malawi 1987
MW1998A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Malawi 1998
MW2008A_EMPSTAT Economically active P Malawi 2008
Variable Label
Type Sample
MW2008A_NOWORK Reason for not working P Malawi 2008
MW2008A_SUBSIST Subsistence work P Malawi 2008
MW2008A_AVAILAB Available to work P Malawi 2008
MW2008A_LOOKING Looking for work P Malawi 2008
MW2008A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Malawi 2008
MY1970A_PRIACT Primary activity during most of last 12 months P Malaysia 1970
MY1970A_ACTIV Type of economic activity last week P Malaysia 1970
MY1970A_REGJOB Whether has a regular job or business P Malaysia 1970
MY1970A_HELFAB Whether help in family business or not P Malaysia 1970
MY1970A_EARNER Whether earn any money by working or selling home made goods P Malaysia 1970
MY1970A_EMPSTA Employment status last week P Malaysia 1970
MY1970A_WORKH Work at home P Malaysia 1970
MY1980A_FARM Helping in family business or farm P Malaysia 1980
MY1980A_WRKHRS Hours worked for family farm or business P Malaysia 1980
MY1980A_EMPSTAT1 Type of activity P Malaysia 1980
MY1980A_WHYNOT Reasons not looking for job P Malaysia 1980
MY1980A_CLASSWK Employment status P Malaysia 1980
MY1980A_EMPSTYR Usual activity P Malaysia 1980
MY1991A_WORKED1 Worked during the last 7 days P Malaysia 1991
MY1991A_WORKED2 Work at least 1 hour during the last 7 days P Malaysia 1991
Variable Label
Type Sample
MY1991A_JOBHAS Have a job to return to P Malaysia 1991
MY1991A_JOBSEEK Looked for a job P Malaysia 1991
MY1991A_WHYNOT Reason not seeking job P Malaysia 1991
MY1991A_WORKEVER Ever worked before P Malaysia 1991
MY1991A_WORKHRS Number of hours worked during the last 7 days P Malaysia 1991
MY1991A_EMPSTAT1 Employment status P Malaysia 1991
MY1991A_EMPSTAT2 Labor force status P Malaysia 1991
MY2000A_WORKING Worked during last 7 days for at least one hour P Malaysia 2000
MY2000A_JOBRETURN Job to return to P Malaysia 2000
MY2000A_SEEKWRK Looking for work during the last 7 days P Malaysia 2000
MY2000A_WHYNOT Reasons not seeking work P Malaysia 2000
MY2000A_OCCSECT Occupation sector P Malaysia 2000
MY2000A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Malaysia 2000
MY2000A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Malaysia 2000
ML1987A_EMPSTAT Type of activity P Mali 1987
ML1987A_PROF1 Profession, major group P Mali 1987
ML1987A_PROF2 Profession P Mali 1987
ML1987A_CLASSWK Work status (in main activity last month) P Mali 1987
ML1998A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Mali 1998
ML1998A_CLASSWK Work status in main activity P Mali 1998