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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
IL1995A_EMPSTAT Belong to weekly labor force P Israel 1995
IL1995A_WKMON1 Months worked last year, grouped P Israel 1995
IL1995A_WKMON2 Months worked last year P Israel 1995
IL1995A_WKHRS Hours of work per week P Israel 1995
IL1995A_LOCW Locality of workplace P Israel 1995
IL1995A_METROW Metropolis or sub-district of workplace P Israel 1995
IL1995A_CLASSWK Status at work P Israel 1995
IL1995A_TRANSWK Transportation to work P Israel 1995
IL1995A_WKTM1 Time of work P Israel 1995
IL1995A_WKTM2 Time leave home for work P Israel 1995
IL2008A_CIVWRK1 Part of a weekly civil labor force P Israel 2008
IL2008A_CIVWRK2 Belonging to annual civil labour force P Israel 2008
IL2008A_WKMON1 Worked 12 months in 2008 P Israel 2008
IL2008A_WKMON2 Number of months of work in 2008 P Israel 2008
IL2008A_WKHOURS Usual number of weekly work hours P Israel 2008
IL2008A_WKLOC1 Country of workplace location P Israel 2008
IL2008A_WKLOC2 Workplace location P Israel 2008
IL2008A_WKLOC3 Workplace location with respect to residence (urban) P Israel 2008
IL2008A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Israel 2008
IL2008A_WKTRAN Main method of arriving to work P Israel 2008
Variable Label
Type Sample
IL2008A_WKTIME Time of leaving home for work P Israel 2008
IT2001A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WORKED Worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker P Italy 2001
IT2001A_JOBSEEK Actively tried to find a job or attempted to open own activity P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WILLWORK Would be willing to start work within 2 weeks, should the opportunity arise P Italy 2001
IT2001A_HADJOB Ever held a paid job or worked as a contributing family worker during their lifetime P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WORKEDOCT Worked during the week of 14 to 20 October P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WHYWORKED Reason did not work during the week of 14 to 20 October P Italy 2001
IT2001A_HRWORKED Number of hours worked during the week of 14 to 20 October P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WKFULL Full-time or part-time work P Italy 2001
IT2001A_CLASSWKR Class of worker P Italy 2001
IT2001A_PAIDWKR Have paid employees P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WRKCONDI Indefinite or definite job P Italy 2001
IT2001A_CONTRACT Type of work contract P Italy 2001
IT2001A_TRANCOMU Means of transportation used to cover the longest stretch of your trip to the usual place of study or work P Italy 2001
IT2011A_ACTIVITY Employment status last week P Italy 2011
IT2011A_WORK Worked at least 1 hour last week P Italy 2011
IT2011A_WKABS Absent from job last week P Italy 2011
IT2011A_WKSEEK Actively seeking work during the last 4 weeks P Italy 2011
IT2011A_WKAVAIL Available to start a job within 2 weeks P Italy 2011
Variable Label
Type Sample
IT2011A_WKEVER Ever worked as a paid worker or as a family worker P Italy 2011
IT2011A_ACTIVITY2 Activity last week P Italy 2011
IT2011A_WKHOURS Number of hours usually worked per week P Italy 2011
IT2011A_WKFULL Type of job P Italy 2011
IT2011A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Italy 2011
IT2011A_WKDEPN Has paid employees P Italy 2011
IT2011A_WKCONTR Type of work contract P Italy 2011
IT2011A_WKTYPE Type of work P Italy 2011
IT2011A_IND Sector of economic activity P Italy 2011
JM1982A_OCCTRAIN Occupation for which trained or being trained P Jamaica 1982
JM1982A_METHTRAI Method by which vocational training acquired P Jamaica 1982
JM1982A_VOCTRAIN Status of vocational training P Jamaica 1982
JM1982A_TRAINPER Period of training P Jamaica 1982
JM1982A_EMPSTAT Economic situation during the past week P Jamaica 1982
JM1982A_HRSWORK Hours worked during past week P Jamaica 1982
JM1982A_CLASSWK Occupational status during past week P Jamaica 1982
JM1982A_WORKMTHS Number of months worked during the past 12 months P Jamaica 1982
JM1982A_ACTIVYR Main activity during the past 12 months P Jamaica 1982
JM1991A_IND Economic activity last week P Jamaica 1991
JM1991A_HRSWORK Hours worked last week P Jamaica 1991