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Migration: Global Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
ET1994A_DURRES Duration of continuous residence in Wereda P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_PREVURB Urban status of place of previous residence P Ethiopia 1994
ET2007A_DURRES Years of continuous residence in town or rural part of wereda P Ethiopia 2007
ET2007A_PREVURB Urban or rural status of previous residence P Ethiopia 2007
FJ1976A_RES6YR Province or country of residence in October 1970 P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_URBAN6YR Area of residence in October 1970 P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_ISLE6YR Island of residence in October 1970 P Fiji 1976
FJ1986A_RES5YR Province or country of residence in 1981 P Fiji 1986
FJ1986A_TOWN5YR Residence in 1981 (either rural area or town if urban area) P Fiji 1986
FJ1996A_RES5YR Province or country of residence in 1991 P Fiji 1996
FJ1996A_TOWN5YR Town, village or settlement of residence 5 years ago P Fiji 1996
FJ2007A_RESPROV Province or country of usual residence P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_RESTIK Tikina of usual residence P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_RESLOC Locality of usual residence P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_PROV5YR Province or country of residence in 2002 P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_TIK5YR Tikina of residence in 2002 P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_LOC5YR Locality of residence in 2002 P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_MIGRESID Usual residence different province P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_MIG5YR Lived in different province 5 years ago P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_MIGORIG Origin different province P Fiji 2007
Variable Label
Type Sample
FJ2007A_MIGBPE Migration between birth, 2002 and current census P Fiji 2007
FI2010A_RESMUN Municipality of residence P Finland 2010
FR1962A_PREVRES Place of previous residence P France 1962
FR1962A_SPREVREG SAPHIR region of previous residence P France 1962
FR1962A_MIGRATE Migration status P France 1962
FR1968A_PREVREG Region of previous residence P France 1968
FR1968A_SPREVREG SAPHIR region of previous residence P France 1968
FR1968A_MIGRATE Migration P France 1968
FR1975A_PREVREG Region of previous residence P France 1975
FR1975A_PREVCTRY Previous country of residence P France 1975
FR1975A_SPREVREG SAPHIR region of previous residence P France 1975
FR1975A_MIGRATE Migration P France 1975
FR1982A_PREVREG Region of previous residence P France 1982
FR1982A_MIGRANT Indication of recent move P France 1982
FR1982A_SPREVREG SAPHIR region of previous residence P France 1982
FR1982A_MIGRATE Migration P France 1982
FR1990A_PREVREG Region of previous residence P France 1990
FR1990A_PREVCTRY Country of previous residence P France 1990
FR1990A_SPREVREG SAPHIR region of previous residence P France 1990
FR1990A_MIGRATE Migration P France 1990
Variable Label
Type Sample
FR1999A_RESIND Indicator of place of previous residence P France 1999
FR1999A_RESPRR Region of previous residence P France 1999
FR1999A_RESPRC Country of previous residence P France 1999
FR2006A_YRSDWELL Length of time in the dwelling (detailed) P France 2006
FR2006A_YRSDWLL2 Length of time in the dwelling (aggregated) P France 2006
FR2006A_PREVRES Previous residence (five years) P France 2006
FR2006A_PREVURB Urban indicator of previous residence P France 2006
FR2006A_BPLTERRIT Originally from an overseas department or territory P France 2006
FR2011A_DURRESGR Years in France P France 2011
FR2011A_REGNP Department of residence P France 2011
FR2011A_IMMIG Immigration status P France 2011
FR2011A_PREVRES Place of residence 1 year ago P France 2011
FR2011A_BPLOSD Overseas department or territory of birth P France 2011
DE1970A_WW2RES Residence on 1 Sept 1939 (outbreak of WWII) P Germany 1970
DE1970A_MIGEAST Arrived after WWII from the Soviet zone or East Berlin P Germany 1970
DE1970A_EXPELLEE Federal expellee / Federal refugee identity card P Germany 1970
DE1970A_EXPELCLS Expellee classifications P Germany 1970
DE1987A_PRINRES Indicator of principal residence at place of enumeration P Germany 1987
DE1987A_LEGRES Indicator whether person belongs to legally residing population P Germany 1987
GH2000A_RESR Usual place of residence, region P Ghana 2000