Tanzania 2002 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
TZ2002A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_URBAN | Urban - rural | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_ROOF | Type of roof | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_WALLS | Type of walls | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_FLOOR | Type of floor | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_ROOMS | Number of rooms used for sleeping | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_FUELCOOK | Energy for cooking | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_LIGHTING | Energy for light | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_WATSRC | Source of drinking water | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_TOILET | Type of toilet | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_RADIO | Radio | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_PHONE | Phone | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_BICYCLE | Bicycle | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_WHBARROW | Wheelbarrow | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_IRON | Iron | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_HOE | Hoe | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_ELECTRIC | Electricity | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
Tanzania 2002 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
TZ2002A_DEATHSER | Death in household | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_DEATHSEX | Gender of first death in household | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_DEATHAGE | Age of first death in household | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_HHWT | Household weight | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_COLLECT | Collective | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_STRATA | Strata | H | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_RELATE | Relationship to head of household | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_SEX | Sex | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_AGE | Age | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_DISAB | Disability | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_CITIZ | Citizenship | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_MARST | Marital status | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_FALIVE | Father alive | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_MALIVE | Mother alive | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_BPL | Region or country of birth | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_RESID | Region or country of permanent residence | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_AREARES | Residence type of area | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_RESID01 | Region or country of residence in 2001 | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_AREA01 | Residence type of area in 2001 | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_LIT | Literacy | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
Tanzania 2002 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
TZ2002A_SCHOOL | School attendance | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_EDATTAIN | Educational attainment | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_ACTIVYR | Economic activity in the last 12 months | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_ACTIVWK | Economic activity last week | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_CLASSWKR | Status in employment | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_OCC | Occupation last week | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_IND | Industry last week | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_MCHILDHH | Male children ever born and living in the household | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_FCHILDHH | Female children ever born and living in the household | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_MCHAWAY | Male children ever born and living elsewhere | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_FCHAWAY | Female children ever born and living elsewhere | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_MCHDEAD | Male children dead | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_FCHDEAD | Female children dead | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_MBIRTHS | Male children born in the last 12 months | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_FBIRTHS | Female children born in the last 12 months | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_CHBORN | Total children ever born | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_CHSURV | Total children surviving | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_BTHLSTYR | Births last year | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_MCHHHU | Male children in household, unedited | P | Tanzania 2002 | |
TZ2002A_FCHHHU | Female children in household, unedited | P | Tanzania 2002 |