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Senegal 2013    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
SN2013A_STATUS Resident status P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CNTRY10YR Country of residence 10 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_REGION10YR Region of residence 10 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_DEPT10YR Department of residence 10 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_COMM10YR Commune, arrondissement, or village of residence 10 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_ARRURB10YR Urban arrondissement of residence 10 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CACR10YR Commune arrondissement or commune rural of residence 10 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CNTRY5YR Country of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_REGION5YR Region of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_DEPT5YR Department of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_COMM5YR Commune, arrondissement, or village of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_ARRURB5YR Urban arrondissement of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CACR5YR Commune arrondissement or commune rural of residence 5 years ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_MIGREAS Reason for moving P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CNTRY1YR Country of residence 1 year ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_REGION1YR Region of residence 1 year ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_DEPT1YR Department of residence 1 year ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_COMM1YR Commune, arrondissement, or village of residence 1 year ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_ARRURB1YR Urban arrondissement of residence 1 year ago P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CACR1YR Commune arrondissement or commune rural of residence 1 year ago P Senegal 2013
Senegal 2013   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
SN2013A_NATION Nationality P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_ETHNIC Ethnicity P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_LANG1 First spoken language P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_LANG2 Second spoken language P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_RELIG Religion P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_DISSIGHT Difficulty seeing P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_DISHEAR Difficulty hearing P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_DISMOBIL Difficulty walking or climbing steps P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_DISMNTL Difficulty remembering or concentrating P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_DISDAILY Difficulty in self-care activities P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_DISSPEAK Difficulty speaking or communicating P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_FATHLIVE Father alive P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_MOTHLIVE Mother alive P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_SCHOOL School attendance P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_SCHTYPE1 Type of education P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_SCHTYPE2 Type of educational establishment P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_EDLEV Level of education P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_DIPLOMA Degree or diploma obtained P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_LIT Literacy (read and write) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_LITFR Literacy in French (read and write) P Senegal 2013
Senegal 2013   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
SN2013A_LITARB Literacy in Arabic (read and write) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_LITWOL Literacy in Wolof (read and write) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_LITPUL Literacy in Pulaar (read and write) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_LITSER Literacy in Sereer (read and write) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_LITMAN Literacy in Mandingo (read and write) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_LITDIO Literacy in Diola (read and write) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_LITSON Literacy in Soninke (read and write) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_LITOTH Literacy in other language (read and write) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_VOCTRAIN Vocational training P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_IND Industry (1-digit) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_IND2 Industry (2-digit) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_IND3 Industry (3-digit) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_OCC2 Profession or occupation (2-digit) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_OCC3 Profession or occupation (3-digit) P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_MARST Marital status P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_REGCIV Declaration of marriage at civil registry office P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CHBORNM Number of male children P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_CHBORNF Number of female children P Senegal 2013