Ireland 2011 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
IE2011A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_URBAN | Area type | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_HHTYPE | Household composition | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DWTYPE | Type of accommodation | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_BLTYEAR | Year dwelling was built | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_OWNRSHP | Nature of occupancy | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_HEATING | Central heating | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_WATSUP | Type of piped water supply | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_SEWAGE | Sewerage facility | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_CARS | Number of cars or vans available | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_INTERNET | Type of internet access | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_PC | Household has a PC | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_ROOMS | Number of rooms available | H | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_PTYPE | Absent person | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_USUALRES | Usual residence flag | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_FAMTYPE | Family type | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_RELATE | Relationship to reference person | P | Ireland 2011 | |
Ireland 2011 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
IE2011A_SEX | Sex | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_MARST | Marital status | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_BPLSTAT | Place of birth (flag) | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_YRIMMIG | Year taking up residency in Ireland | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_PREVCTRY | Country of last previous residence | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_SPKIRISH | Ability to speak Irish | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_IRISHFQ | Frequency of speaking Irish | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_LEVEDUC | Highest level of education completed | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_FIELD | Field of study | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_EDCEASE | Age education ceased | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_EMPSTAT | Employment status | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_CLASSWK | Class of worker | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_IND | Industry | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_SOCECON | Socio-economic group (SEG) | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_SOCCLASS | Social class | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_NATION | Nationality | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_RELIG | Religion | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DISAB | Disability | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_HEALTH | General health | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_CARER | Unpaid carer | P | Ireland 2011 | |
Ireland 2011 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
IE2011A_ETHNIC | Ethnicity | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_LANGHOME | Foreign language at home | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_ENGLEV | Level of English | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_LANGFOR | Foreign language spoken | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_CHBORN | Number of children born alive | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_TRANTIME | Journey time to work, school, or college | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DEPARTS | Time left home for work, school, or college | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_MEANTRV | Means of travel to work/school/college | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DISSIGHT | Visual disability | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DISHEAR | Hearing disability | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DISPHYS | Physical disability | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DISMNTL | Intellectual disability | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DISLEARN | Learning disability | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DISSPSYCH | Psychological disability | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DISOTHER | Other disability | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DIFFDRESS | Difficulty dressing | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DIFFOUT | Difficulty going outside | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DIFFWRK | Difficulty doing a job | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_DIFFOTHER | Other difficulty | P | Ireland 2011 | |
IE2011A_AGE | Age | P | Ireland 2011 |