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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
JM1991A_CLASSWK Occupational status last week P Jamaica 1991
JM1991A_OCCTOUR Occupation is tourism related P Jamaica 1991
JM1991A_EMPSTAT Main activity during past 12 months P Jamaica 1991
JM1991A_MTHSWK Number of months worked during past 12 months P Jamaica 1991
JM2001A_OCCT2 Occupation of training 2-digit P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_METHTRAI Place of training P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_LENGTRAI Length of training P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_QUALTRAI Qualification post-training completion P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_PASTTRAI Past training P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_OCCPT2 Occupation of past training 2-digit P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_OCCPT1 Occupation of past training P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_METHPTRA Place of past training P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_LENGPTRA Length of past training P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_QUALPTRA Qualification received from past training P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_WORKTRAI Working in occupation of training P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_WORK1HR Worked for at least an hour last week P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_FARMING Farming, buying or selling last week P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_ODDJOB Odd job/hustling last week P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_ACTIVITY Activity last week P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_HRSWORK Number of hours worked last week P Jamaica 2001
Variable Label
Type Sample
JM2001A_CLASSWK Type of economic activity P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_WORKLOC Location of place of work P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_WORKPAR Parish of work P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_EMPSIZE Number of persons at workplace (including respondent) P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_YRLASTWK Last year worked P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_MOLASTWK Last month worked P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_ACTIVYR Activity last 12 months P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_WKMONTHS Number of months worked P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_LAYOFF Ever laid off in the past 5 years P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_LAYOFFI1 Industry laid off from, 1-digit P Jamaica 2001
JO2004A_WORK Worked during the week that ended in October 1, 2004 P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_WKABS Had a job but did not practice it P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_WKHOUR Total number of hours worked in all jobs P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_WKSECT Type of establishment in which the person works P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_CLASWK1 Employment status P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_WKREADY Prepared to start the job if offered P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_WKSEEK Actively searched for work P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_CLASWK2 Class of worker P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_EMPSTAT Economic situation P Jordan 2004
KE1989A_EMPSTAT Activity status P Kenya 1989
Variable Label
Type Sample
KE1989A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Kenya 1989
KE1999A_CLASSWKR Class of worker P Kenya 1999
KE1999A_ECONACTX Economic activity P Kenya 1999
KE2009A_EMPSTAT Economic activity in the last 7 days P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_EMPSECT Main employer P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_HRSWKWK Hours worked in the last 7 days P Kenya 2009
KG1999A_CLASSW1 Salaried employment at an enterprise, organization, institution P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW2 Salaried employment in a farm P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW3 Salaried employment for individuals P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW4 Owners of enterprises, farms P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW5 Employment on individual basis P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW6 Unpaid family worker P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSW14 On dependence P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_WKLOC Location of work P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_WKLOOK Looking for a job P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_WHYNOT Reason for not looking for job P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_CLASSWK Main source of livelihood P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG2009A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Kyrgyzstan 2009
KG2009A_LOOKWK Looking for work P Kyrgyzstan 2009
KG2009A_NOWKREAS Reason not looking for work P Kyrgyzstan 2009