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Migration: Global Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
GH2000A_RESD Usual place of residence, district P Ghana 2000
GH2000A_RES5R Place of residence five years ago, region P Ghana 2000
GH2000A_RES5D Place of residence five years ago, district P Ghana 2000
GH2010A_SINCEBTH Living in place of enumeration since birth P Ghana 2010
GH2010A_YRSHERE Number of years lived at place of enumeration P Ghana 2010
GR1971A_USRES1 Place of usual residence P Greece 1971
GR1971A_USRES2 Department, prefecture and municipality of usual residence P Greece 1971
GR1971A_PREVRES1 Place of usual residence in December 1965 P Greece 1971
GR1971A_PREVRES2 Department, prefecture and municipality in December 1965 P Greece 1971
GR1981A_RES75 Place of usual residence in December 1975 (Question C9) P Greece 1981
GR1981A_RES75MUN Country or municipality of usual residence in December 1975 P Greece 1981
GR1991A_ABSENT Present or temporarily absent from household P Greece 1991
GR1991A_USRES1 Place of usual residence P Greece 1991
GR1991A_USRES2 Country or municipality of usual residence code P Greece 1991
GR1991A_RES85 Place of residence in December 1985 P Greece 1991
GR1991A_RES85MUN Country or municipality of residence in December 1985 P Greece 1991
GR1991A_RES90 Place of residence 1 year ago P Greece 1991
GR1991A_RES90MUN Municipality or country 1 year ago P Greece 1991
GR2001A_ABSENT Present and temporarily absent members of the household P Greece 2001
GR2001A_RESUS Place of usual residence P Greece 2001
Variable Label
Type Sample
GR2001A_RES00 Place of residence 1 year ago P Greece 2001
GR2001A_RES00MUN Municipality or country of residence 1 year ago P Greece 2001
GR2001A_RES95 Place of residence in December 1995 P Greece 2001
GR2001A_RES95MUN Municipality or country of residence in December 1995 P Greece 2001
GR2001A_GRMO Month of settling in Greece P Greece 2001
GR2001A_GRYR Year of settling in Greece P Greece 2001
GR2001A_GRWHY1 Reasons for settling in Greece, first answer P Greece 2001
GR2001A_GRWHY2 Reasons for settling in Greece, second answer P Greece 2001
GR2001A_PRVCNTRY Country of residence before settling in Greece P Greece 2001
GR2011A_STATUS Presence in the household P Greece 2011
GR2011A_USUALRES Place of usual residence P Greece 2011
GR2011A_PL1YR Place of usual residence the year before the census P Greece 2011
GR2011A_MUN1YR Municipality of usual residence the year before the census P Greece 2011
GR2011A_CNTRY1YR Country of usual residence the year before the census P Greece 2011
GR2011A_PL5YR Place of usual residence five years before the census P Greece 2011
GR2011A_MUN5YR Municipality of usual residence five years before the census P Greece 2011
GR2011A_CNTRY5YR Country of usual residence five years before the census P Greece 2011
GR2011A_MIGDAY Day of settling in Greece P Greece 2011
GR2011A_MIGMON Month of settling in Greece P Greece 2011
GR2011A_MIGYR Year of settling in Greece P Greece 2011
Variable Label
Type Sample
GR2011A_PRVCNTRY Country of residence before settling in Greece P Greece 2011
GR2011A_MIGREAS Reason for settling in Greece P Greece 2011
GT1964A_RESDUR Years of residence in current municipality P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_PREVRES Department of previous residence P Guatemala 1964
GT1973A_DPTO5YR Department or country of usual residence in March 1968 P Guatemala 1973
GT1973A_MUNI5YR Municipality of usual residence in March 1968 P Guatemala 1973
GT1981A_RESDUR Number of years of residence in this municipality P Guatemala 1981
GT1981A_DPTO5YR Department or country of habitual residence in February 1976 P Guatemala 1981
GT1981A_MUNI5YR Municipality of habitual residence in February 1976 P Guatemala 1981
GT1981A_DPTOPREV Department of previous residence P Guatemala 1981
GT1981A_MUNIPREV Municipality of previous residence P Guatemala 1981
GT1994A_RESDUR Years of residence in current municipality P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DEPTPREV Department of previous residence P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_MUNIPREV Municipality of previous residence P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_CNTRYPREV Country of previous residence P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_DEPT5YR Department of residence in 1990 P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_MUNI5YR Municipality of residence in 1990 P Guatemala 1994
GT1994A_CNTRY5YR Country of residence in 1990 P Guatemala 1994
GT2002A_DPTO6YR Department or country of residence in 1996 P Guatemala 2002
GT2002A_MUNI6YR Municipality or country of residence in 1996 P Guatemala 2002