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Migration: Global Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MM2014A_REGPREV Previous state of residence P Myanmar 2014
MM2014A_DISTPREV Previous district of residence P Myanmar 2014
MM2014A_TOWNPREV Previous township or country of residence P Myanmar 2014
MM2014A_URBANPREV Urban or rural previous residence P Myanmar 2014
NP2001A_DURRES Duration of residence at the district of enumeration P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_RSTAY Reason for residence at the district of enumeration P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_SAME5YR Place of residence five years ago P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_ZONE5YR Administrative Zone of residence five years ago P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_DIST5YR District of residence five years ago P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_VDC5YR VDC/municipality of residence five years ago P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_CNTRY5YR Country of residence five years ago P Nepal 2001
NP2011A_RESDUR Years in district of residence P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_STAYREAS Reason for migration P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_RES5YR Place of residence 5 years ago P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_ZONE5YR Administrative zone of residence 5 years ago P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_DIST5YR District of residence 5 years ago P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_URBAN5YR Urban or rural place of residence 5 years ago P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_CNTRY5YR Country of residence 5 year ago P Nepal 2011
NL2001A_RESPREV Place of residence one year prior to the Census P Netherlands 2001
NL2011A_RES1YR Region of residence one year prior to census P Netherlands 2011
Variable Label
Type Sample
NI1971A_RESMUN Municipality of current residence P Nicaragua 1971
NI1971A_RESPDEP Department or country of residence in 1966 P Nicaragua 1971
NI1971A_RESPMUN Municipality of residence in 1966 P Nicaragua 1971
NI1995A_HERE5YR Lived in same municipality as 1990 P Nicaragua 1995
NI1995A_DEPT5YR Department of residence in 1990 P Nicaragua 1995
NI1995A_CNTRY5YR Country of residence in 1990 P Nicaragua 1995
NI2005A_MIG5YR Lived in same municipality as 2000 P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_DEPT5YR Department where lived in 2000 P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_IMMIG5YR Year arrived in Nicaragua (living abroad in 2000) P Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_PL5YRTYPE Urban status of place where lived in 2000 P Nicaragua 2005
PK1973A_RESDUR Duration of continuous residence P Pakistan 1973
PK1973A_RESD65 Residence in 1965 (district) P Pakistan 1973
PK1973A_RES65URB Residence in urban or rural area in 1965 P Pakistan 1973
PS2007A_URESID Usual place of residence P Palestine 2007
PS2007A_PREVRES Previous place of residence P Palestine 2007
PS2007A_MIGREAS Reason for changing previous place of residence P Palestine 2007
PA1960A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Panama 1960
PA1960A_PREVPROV Province of previous residence P Panama 1960
PA1960A_PREVRES District of previous residence P Panama 1960
PA1970A_RESP Province of permanent residence P Panama 1970
Variable Label
Type Sample
PA1970A_RESD District of permanent residence P Panama 1970
PA1970A_RESPRP Province of prior residence P Panama 1970
PA1970A_RESPRD District of prior residence P Panama 1970
PA1980A_RESDURYR Year of residence P Panama 1980
PA1980A_RESPREV3 Province of previous residence P Panama 1980
PA1980A_RESPREV2 District of previous residence P Panama 1980
PA2000A_YRARRPAN Period of arrival in Panama P Panama 2000
PA2000A_RES1 District of permanent residence P Panama 2000
PA2000A_RES1URB Type of area of permanent residence P Panama 2000
PA2000A_RESPR3 Province of prior residence P Panama 2000
PA2000A_RESPR District or country of prior residence P Panama 2000
PA2000A_RESPRURB Type of area of prior residence P Panama 2000
PA2000A_RES2 District of permanent residence recoded P Panama 2000
PA2000A_RESPR2 District or country of prior residence recoded P Panama 2000
PA2010A_PRVCNTRY Country or district of previous residence P Panama 2010
PA2010A_YRARR Period of arrival to current residence in Panama P Panama 2010
PA2010A_RESDISRC District of permanent residence, recoded P Panama 2010
PA2010A_PRVDISRC Country or district of previous residence recoded P Panama 2010
PG1980A_RESDUR1 Months of residence in current town or non-village district (if less than one year) P Papua New Guinea 1980
PG1980A_RESDUR2 Years of residence in current town or non-village district P Papua New Guinea 1980