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Migration: Global Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX1960A_RESPR Place of prior residence P Mexico 1960
MX1970A_RESDUR Period of residence P Mexico 1970
MX1970A_RESPR State or country of prior residence P Mexico 1970
MX1990A_RESPREV Place of prior residence P Mexico 1990
MX1995A_RESID Condition of residency P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_MIGST National or international migration (state or country) P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESPR Previous residence P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESPRM Duration in previous residence in months P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_PRESPRY Duration in previous residence in years P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESDURM Duration in current residence in months P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESDURY Time in current residence in years P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESST State or country of residence in 1990 P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESMUN Municipality of residence in 1990 P Mexico 1995
MX2000A_RESENT State or country of residence in 1995 P Mexico 2000
MX2000A_MIGWHY Reason for migration P Mexico 2000
MX2000A_RESMUN Municipality of residence in 1995 P Mexico 2000
MX2005A_RESPR Place of residence in October 2000 P Mexico 2005
MX2010A_MIGCTRY5 Country of residence in 2005 P Mexico 2010
MX2010A_MIGSTAT5 State of residence in 2005 P Mexico 2010
MX2010A_MIGMUNI5 Municipality of residence in 2005 P Mexico 2010
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX2015A_MIGSTAT5 State or country where the person lived 5 years ago (March 2010) P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_MIGMUN5 Municipality or country where the person lived 5 years ago (March 2010) P Mexico 2015
MX2020A_STAT5YR State or country where the person lived 5 years ago (2015) P Mexico 2020
MX2020A_MUNI5YR Municipality or country where the person lived 5 years ago (2015) P Mexico 2020
MX2020A_MIGREAS Reason for migration P Mexico 2020
MN2000A_UPROV Usual province of residence for visitors and temporary province of residence for absentees P Mongolia 2000
MN2000A_MIGTY Migration P Mongolia 2000
MN2000A_PREVPROV Previous province or country of residence P Mongolia 2000
MN2000A_MIGYR Year moved to current residence P Mongolia 2000
MN2000A_RES5YR Province or country of usual residence 5 years ago P Mongolia 2000
MA1982A_RESYRS Years at current residence (commune) P Morocco 1982
MA1994A_PREVRES Place of previous residence P Morocco 1994
MA1994A_PREVRES2 Province of previous residence P Morocco 1994
MA1994A_DURRES Duration of residence (in current town/village) P Morocco 1994
MA1994A_RES1YR Place of residence last year (during the previous Aid Al Adha holiday) P Morocco 1994
MA1994A_RES1YR2 Province of residence last year (during the previous Aid Al Adha holiday) P Morocco 1994
MA2004A_PREVPROV Previous province of residence P Morocco 2004
MA2004A_PREVREGN Region of previous residence P Morocco 2004
MA2004A_DURRES Duration at current residence, in years P Morocco 2004
MA2004A_PROV5YR Province of residence 5 years ago P Morocco 2004
Variable Label
Type Sample
MA2004A_REGN5YR Region of residence 5 years ago P Morocco 2004
MZ1997A_RESIDENT Presence in household P Mozambique 1997
MZ1997A_PREVPROV Province of residence one year ago P Mozambique 1997
MZ1997A_PREVDIST District of residence one year ago P Mozambique 1997
MZ1997A_PREVCTRY Country of residence one year ago P Mozambique 1997
MZ1997A_PWPROV Province of residence when the war ended (October 1992) P Mozambique 1997
MZ1997A_PWDIST District of residence when the war ended (October 1992) P Mozambique 1997
MZ1997A_PWCTRY Country of residence at the end of the war (October 1992) P Mozambique 1997
MZ2007A_PROV1 Province of residence 1 year ago P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_DIST1 District of residence 1 year ago P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_CTRY1 Country of residence 1 year ago P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_PROV5 Province of residence 5 years ago P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_DIST5 District of residence 5 years ago P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_DIST5H District of residence 5 years ago P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_CTRY5 Foreign residence 5 years ago P Mozambique 2007
MM2014A_RESREG Usual state of residence P Myanmar 2014
MM2014A_RESDIST Usual district of residence P Myanmar 2014
MM2014A_RESTOWN Usual township or country of residence P Myanmar 2014
MM2014A_RESURBAN Urban or rural usual residence P Myanmar 2014
MM2014A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Myanmar 2014